Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Institute invites applications from interested and competent firms for
registration of suppliers for the under listed goods, services and works for the Financial Year 2021-
No. |
Tender No. | Category Description | Remarks |
1. | JNTI/01/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and Delivery of general stationery | Open |
2. | JNTI/02/2021-2023 | Registration for Supply and delivery of cutlery, utensils and kitchen appliances | Reserved |
3. | JNTI/03/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of groceries (Sugar, rice, cooking oil, beverages) | Open |
4. | JNTI/04/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of cleaning materials, detergents and disinfectants | Open |
5. | JNTI/05/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of meat i.e., beef, pork, fish fillet, chicken, bones | Open |
6. | JNTI/06/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of library books, periodicals and journals | Open |
7. | JNTI/07/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of furniture | Open |
8. | JNTI/08/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of fresh vegetables | Open |
S, | JNTI/09/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of uniforms and other textiles | Open |
10. | J NTI/10/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of Building and Construction materials I.e. sand, ballast, building stones, murram, dust, timber etc. | Open |
11. | JNTI/11/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of hardware materials, plumbing materials and fittings | Open |
12. | JNTI/12/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of computer software, hardware and accessories, printers, tonners, cartridges and printing ink | Open |
13. | JNTI/13/2021-2023 | Registration for provision of printing services and promotional materials i.e. banners, brochures, branded T-shirts etc. | Open |
14. | JNTI/14/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of Newspapers and magazines | Open |
15. | JNTI/15/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of lab chemicals and equipment | Reserved |
16. | JNTI/16/2G21-2023 | Registration for provision of Insurance services | Open |
17. | JNT1/17/2021-2023 | Registration for provision of motor vehicle servicing | Open |
18. | JNTI/18/2Q21-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of electrical and electronic materials and appliances/equipment | Open |
19. | JNTI/19/2021-2023 | Registration for supply of fuel lubricants and LPG Gas | Open |
20. | JNT1/20/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of cereals | Open |
21 | JNTI/21/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of fresh milk | Open |
22. | JNTI/22/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of farm inputs, seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and animal feeds | Open |
23. | JNTI/23/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of sporting and games equipment | Open |
24. | JNTI/24/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of Firewood and Charcoal | Open |
25. | JNTI/25/2021-2023 | Registration for supply sheeting y and delivery of mattresses, cushions and | Open |
26. | JNTI/26/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of beauty and hairdressing materials and equipment. | Reserved |
27 | JNTI/27/2021-2023 | Registration for supply and delivery of motor vehicle spare parts, tires and mechanical Darts. | Open |
28. | JNTI/28/2021-2023 | Registration for provision and servicing of fire extinguishers | Open |
29, | JNTI/29/2021-2023 | [Registration for provision of veterinary services | Open |
30. | JNTI/30/2021-2023 | Registration for provision of sanitary bins servicing | Open |
31. | JNTI/31/2021-2023 | Registration for Small works | Open |
32. | JNTI/32/2021-2023 | Registration of provision of consultancy services | Open |
Reserved: Only Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities who have registered with their Respective authorizing bodies can apply.
JEREMIAH NYAGAH TECHNICAL INSTITUTE wishes to advertise for registration of Suppliers for the Financial Year 2021-2023 for different categories. Interested bidders may obtain registration documents from the procurement office, Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Institute upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 at the Finance Office during normal working days. Documents can also be downloaded from the Institute’s website free of charge.
Interested bidders should note that only those meeting the criteria indicated below, supported by the relevant documents at submission will be considered for further evaluation:
- Company certificate of Registration
- Pin Certificate issued by Kenya Revenue Authority
- Tax Compliance certificate Issued by Kenya Revenue Authority
- Business permit
- Dully filled form of Tender and Business Questionnaire
- AGPO certificate from the National treasury indicating your category
- Letters of Recommendation from three (3) major clients
- Licenses from the relevant certifying/regulatory bodies
Complete documents in a plain, sealed envelope marked Tender number and category description should be addressed to
P.0 BOX 1264-60100 EMBU
And be deposited in the TENDER BOX at the Institute’s office so as to be received on or before 25th June 2021. The documents will be opened the same day at 10:00am in the Institute boardroom and bidders or their representatives are welcome to witness the opening.
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