Applications are invited for the supply of goods and services listed below to Sunshine Secondary School for the period: 1st May 2022 to 31st December 2022.
SSS/1/A1/22 | Fresh Milk |
SSS/1/A2/22 | Chicken |
SSS/1/A3/22 | Eggs |
SSS/1/A4/22 | Meat |
SSS/1/A5/22 | Vegetables and Fruits. |
SS/1/A6/22 | Cereals (beans, maize ,rice, green grams S millet flour) |
SSS/1/A7/22 | Dry food, (suqar, flour, Tea leaves, salt, cooking fat) |
SSS/2/B1/22 | Cleaninq material and Deterqents. |
SSS/3/C1/22 | Firewood |
SSS/4/D1/22 | Electricals and fittings |
SSS/4/D2/22 | Hardware (plumbing, paints and buildinq materials) |
SSS/5/E1/22′ | Sanitation and fumigation services. |
SSS/6/F1/22 | Staff uniforms and other Room decor. |
SSS/7/G1/22 | Supply of fuels, lubricants, Gas Smotor vehicle service |
SSS/8/H1/22 | Supply of Office stationery |
SSS/8/H2/22 | Printing of exercise books, envelopes, photography, videography, designing and other stationery. |
SSS/8/H3/22 | Supply of Toners and ink cartridges. |
SSS/9/J1/ 22 | Laboratory chemicals and Equipment. |
SSS/10/K1/22 | Supply of Sports & Games equipment. |
SSS/14/L1/22 | service of swimminq & supply of pool chemicals and equipment. |
SSS/15/M1/22 | Hire of tents, chairs and decorations |
SSS/16/N1/22 | Supply and delivery of pharma.ceuticals |
SSS/17/P1/22 | Supply and delivery of computers and accessories. |
SSS/18/QI/22 | Supply and delivery of text books |
SSS/19/R1/22 | Service and repair of bakery equipment |
SSS/20/S1/22 | Service and repair of fire extinguishers. |
SS/21/T1/22 | Supply of furniture, Beds and mattress. |
Tenders’ documents with detailed specifications can be obtained from procurement office on a non-refundable fee of ksh.2000 per tender document payable at accounts office pay bill No 329888 A/C Tenders 2022. Completed tender document in plain sealed envelopes dearly
marked ‘Tender reference No should be addressed to: .
The secretary
Tender committee
Sunshine Secondary School
P.O. Box 5G890-00200
Or be dropped in the tender box at the reception office, on or before Monday 28th March 2022 at 4.00 p.m. Tenders will be opened the next day 12.30p.m at the school Resource Centre in presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.
Sunshine Secondary School reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either wholly or in part and is not bound to give reasons for the same.