Ref no. | Description of tender | fender form fee |
NSS/CS/2196/01/2022-2023 | Provision of valuation services | 5,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/02/2022-2023 | Supply of general office and computer stationary | 3000 |
NSS/CS/2196/03/2022-2023 | Provision of general insurance services | 3,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/04/2022-2023 | Printing of official branded materials/documents | 3,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/05/2022-2023 | Maintenance of computers and printers | 3,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/06/2022-2023 | Provision of market research and consultancy services | 3,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/07/2022-2023 | Design & supply of uniforms, branded promotional materials eg. calendars, caps,t-shirts | 3,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/08/2022-2023 | Supply of fuel and allied products | 2,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/09/2022-2023 | Provision of debt collection services | 5,000 |
NSS/CS/2196/010/2022-2023 | Supply of newspapers and magazines | 1,000 |
Tender documents with detailed specifications may be obtained from the Sacco head office Chogoria/ Maara sub-county/ Tharaka nithi county during normal working hours upon payment of non-refundable fee payable as indicated above. The Sacco can be contacted via 0729722900/ ndoshasacco@yahoo.com .
Prices quoted must remain valid for 24 months from the closing date of this tender notice. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes (separate for each tender)with tender reference no. clearly marked on the top should be addressed to: Tender committee,
Ndosha Sacco Ltd,
P.O. Box 532-60401,
Tender documents should reach the office on or before Friday, 5th August 2022 at 4:00p.m.
The Sacco reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or in whole and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender or give reasons Tor its decision.