PCEA Kikuyu Mission Hospital is a faith-based Institution located at Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County in the Republic of Kenya.
In line with its strategic direction, the Hospital wishes to construct a complex that will house modern facilities at the Hospital grounds.
The Hospital invites bids in sealed envelopes from eligible and competent contractors in the following fields:-
1) Main building works.
2) Electrical installation works.
3) Mechanical installation works.
Building works contractors must be National Construction Authority (NCA] listing Category 2 and above. Electrical installation subcontractors must be category 3 and above while Mechanical installation subcontractors must be NCA category 4 and above. These requirements are amongst other mandatory requirements contained in the individual tenders. The main contractors are encouraged to participate in all the various trades. However, they must indicate the subcontractors they intend to use, who must meet the criteria indicated above.
Prequalification documents must be accompanied by duly filled mandatory requirements section contained in the tender document.
Tender documents may be obtained from the Procurement office at PCEA Kikuyu Hospital in hard copies or obtained from the same office via request through email address: kikuyu@pceakikuyuhospital.org, during normal working hours upon payment of a fee of KES 5,000.00 (Kenya Shillings Five Thousand Only] Via Mpesa No. 4094481; Account Name – Contractor. Proof of payment shall be required during tender evaluation.
Completed documents in plain sealed envelope marked TENDER FOR PROPOSED NEW HOSPITAL COMPLEX should be addressed to: THE CEO, PCEA KIKUYU HOSPITAL, P. 0. BOX 45-00902 KIKUYU, and be deposited in the tender box situated at the Hospital Administration Block on or before 12Noon on Thursday 8TH June, 2023. Prequalification documents delivered after this deadline shall not be accepted. The Bids will be opened immediately thereafter at the main Hospital Boardroom in the presence of bidders’ representatives who may choose to attend.
The Hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either in part or in whole and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender or give reasons for the decisions taken.