The Tsavo ecosystem falls in near semi-arid savannah with sparsely vegetated plains and endless miles grasslands with limited number of all year water supplies. Major rivers or streams flowing through it are three (Tsavo, Voi and Til Rivers) while several seasonal streams exist. During the dry season, most of the watering sources dry up and to survive in this extremely harsh landscape, each year the Tsavo elephants and other wildlife follow a circular migration pat taking them out into community land as they move from one water hole to the next. As the elephants and other wildlife search for water, their interactions with humans continue to increase leading to severe conflicts. They have to move ft and fast without water, and they do it mostly at night. Add growing human populations, decreasing rainfall, creeping desertification, and changing land use patterns, and the survival prospects for these elephants look grim if alternate watering points are not provided.
Over the years, many of the artificial water points in Tsavo have dried up due to siltation. The few remaining water hole dry up quickly after the end of every rainy season, which are normally short. The four permanent boreholes which are placed very far from each other are not adequate to sustain the increasing and confined population of wildlife. Because of the lack of enough water within the protected areas, elephants often led by a matriarch,- other female elephant and their young travel to neighboring community lands to quench their thirsts and in the process cause untold loss c property and human life. The bulls on the other hand have been documented to travel independently but all head t familiar watering points. Water holes outside the parks therefore form the backbone of elephant migration during dry period. However, when the rain falls, they limit their foraging to areas within the parks.
In many ways, it is evident the Tsavo elephants’ and other wildlife survival is linked to water and the level of tolerance of local people living with them will continue to exhibit. If the competition for water continues, the problem of hi man-wildlife conflicts will escalate leading to increased poverty levels and poor livelihoods. In the past, at some water holes, the pastoralists and other communities would water their livestock during the day and the elephants arrive e night to drink. But now, this harmony no longer exists as people have reverted to protecting their watering holes hence forcing elephants to seek alternative sources of water and in the process causing untold suffering to communities. The cost of pumping water for both livestock and wildlife is increasingly going up and may soon limit the amount of water provided to the animals.
To contain the wildlife population inside the parks and maintain the integrity of the ecosystem, there is need to urgent! provide permanent water sources (wells or boreholes and dams) inside the park. This will encourage elephants am other wildlife to remain within the parks while allowing local communities to plant more crops and graze their herds ii one place year-round. These calls for a comprehensive analysis of wildlife water requirements in Tsavo East and Tsavo West National parks.
2.0 Scope of the Consultancy
The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 requires prudent management of wildlife in protected areas a well as human-wildlife conflicts in communities surrounding the protected areas. A key component of wildlife management is ensuring provision of adequate water for wildlife in protected areas. The goal is to ensure that wildlife does no move out of protected areas in search of water in community land, which is a major cause of human-wildlife conflicts a the range of humans and wildlife overlap. One approach of dealing with the issue of water requirements in a protected area is to establish the available water sources and their status thereof.
Therefore, the consultant will be expected to:
- i)Map all the existing water sources (dams, water pans and bore holes) in Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Park
- ii)Establish the status of these water sources in the two parks
iii) Establish the measures that are required (desilting, expansion, repair among others) to be undertaken to each water source to make sure maximum provision of water is available for wildlife
- iv)Identify new water sources in areas without not water source but have adequate forage for wildlife
- v)Make any other recommendations based on the field visits and discussions with the park management
The project will facilitate provision of a report on water requirements in Tsavo East and West National Parks as outlined in the National Wildlife Strategy 2030, the Kenya Wildlife Service Strategic Plan 2022-2031 and the Tsavo Ecosystem Management Plan 2021-2032.
3.0 Institutional Arrangements and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
A Steering Committee to oversee the study preparation process will be established whose stewardship will be the State Department for Wildlife. The process will be participatory with involvement of all stakeholders. The consultancy i< intended to cover development of water sources for a period 5 years. It will be accompanied by a detailed Operational Plan for its implementation, which will be agreed with the protected area managers.
The implementation of the report will be monitored by the State Department for Wildlife (SDW) following the Indication Framework assessments developed by the consultants in consultations with the SDW and park managers. This will be conducted every year and then repeated in the final year of the project, with a subset of indicators selected as national indicators in Year l and measured biennially in Kenya by the SDW with support from the Government of Kenya.
4.0 Objectives of the Consultancy
The Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, State Department for Wildlife seeks services of a qualified consultant to submit technical and financial proposals to water requirements in Tsavo East and West National Parks.
5.0 Specific Terms of Reference
The consultant will be required to carry out the following specific assignments:
- i)Undertake a desk and literature review
- ii)Establish the status of the different water sources
iii) Make recommendations on actions required to each water source to ensure that it provides adequate water for wildlife
- iv)Recommend financial requirements for each identified and mapped water source
6.0 Approach and Methodology
The service provider is expected to perform the following functions as the minimum deliverables and to adequately address all the listed objectives according to phases.
- Gathering information on water sources through:
- i)Coordinating and facilitating data collection in collaboration with the relevant partners.
- ii)Attending coordination and meetings organized between the SDW and other partners.
iii) Collecting” relevant spatial and non-spatial data and information on water in the two parks from reports, plans and published literature.
- iv)Desk research on water sources in the two parks
- v)Data acquisition from relevant institutions
- Field data collection
- i)Driving and walking within the two parks and picking GPS points
- ii)Collecting data on vegetation types and topography Facilitate expert working group
iii) Collecting remotely sensed data from online archives platforms
- iv)Modelling location of new water sources
- v)Report drafting and presentation to park management and SDW
7.0 Expected Outputs/Deliverables
The main outputs will include the following:
- i)Draft Inception report on the consultancy
- ii)Final Inception report on the consultancy
iii) Draft Report on Water Requirements in Tsavo East and West National Parks
- iv)Final Report on Water Requirements in Tsavo East and West National Parks
In addition, the consultant will also submit the following:
- i)An inception report.
- ii)Road map on the study process.
iii) Proposal/concept note to support the study process
- iv)A comprehensive report on the study process
- v)A database of resources /references
- vi)A costing summary of the study
8.0 Reporting Requirements & Time schedule for deliverables
The consultant shall submit to the National Project Director (NPD), based at the State Department of Wildlife, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, the following reports in PDF format;
- i)Draft Inception report on the consultancy
- ii)Final inception report on the consultancy
iii) Draft Report on Water Requirements in Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks
- iv)Final Report on Water Requirements in Tsavo East and West National Parks and Implementation Plan
In addition, the consultant shall provide Four (4) hard copies and a soft copy of each of the above reports and power point presentations prepared during management meetings and stakeholders’ consultative meetings.
9.0 Procuring Entity’s Input
The State Department for Wildlife, Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, shall provide the following to the consultant:
- i)All relevant documents
- ii)Link consultants) and the stakeholders
iii) Facilitate engagement and consultative meetings with relevant stakeholders
- iv)Overall coordination of the assignment
10.0 Qualification Requirements
The successful consultant should meet the following requirements:
- i)Knowledge and expertise in water resources
- ii)Knowledge of policies and laws governing wildlife conservation and management as well as water in Kenya
iii) Proven track record of facilitating similar process with government or international development partners.
- iv)Working knowledge of Kenya’s national water architecture including protected areas and community led conservation and management initiatives.
- v)Experience working ln Africa and specifically Kenya will be an added advantage
In addition, the consultant should meet the following qualifications:
- i)A Bachelor of Science degree in water engineering or related field
- ii)At least ten years of experience practicing in the fields of Water resources management or a related field
iii) Possession of a Master’s of Science degree in water engineering or related field will be an added advantage
- iv)Experience in stakeholder engagement and mobilization.
- v)Good report writing and presentation skills
11.0 Submission of Technical and Financial Proposals
Eligible individual consultants should submit the following:
- i)Technical and financial proposals
- ii)Curriculum Vitae (CV) of consultant(s)
iii) Copies of all Certificates for Consultants undertaking the assignment
12.0 Duration of the Assignment
The duration of the assignment will be 90 days
Interested Consultants may obtain Request for Proposal document from the Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Heritage website ( or the National Treasury suppliers’ portal ( and register to receive notification for the tender.
Duly Request for proposal documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “Terms of Reference for Consultancy to Establish Wildlife Water Requirements In Tsavo East and West National Parks” and bearing no indication of the identity of the Consultant should be addressed to The Principal Secretary, State Department for Wildlife, P. O. Box 41394 – 00100, and be deposited into the tender box at the reception of State Department for Wildlife, NSSF Building, Block-A, Eastern Wing, 15th Floor, on or before 11:00 am, on 30th May, 2023.
Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of consultants or their representatives who choose to attend
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