Ref No: MOA&LD /SDLD/KELCOP/ NCB/01/2023-2024 | Proposed Rehabilitation of Livestock Markets and Livestock Sale Yards for Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP) in Baringo, Bungoma, Busia, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kakamega, Samburu, Marsabit, Nakuru, Siaya and Trans-Nzoia |
Ref No: MOA&LD/SDLD/KELCOP/ NCB/02/2023-2024 | Proposed Drilling, rehabilitation and Equipping of Boreholes in Marsabit, Siaya, Elgeyo Marakwet, Samburu and Baringo counties |
Ref No: MOA&LD/SDLD/KELCOP/ NCB/03/2023-2024 | Proposed Construction and Equipping of water pans in Samburu and Siaya counties |
Ref No: MOA&LD /SDLD/KELCOP/ NCB/04/2023-2024 | Proposed rehabilitation of slaughter houses in Elgeyo Marakwet and Siaya Counties |
1. The Government of Kenya (GoK) through the National Treasury has received financing from the International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and intends to apply a part of the proceeds to the financing of this procurement.
The use of any IFAD financing shall be subject to IFAD’s approval, pursuant to the terms and conditions
of the financing agreement, as well as IFAD’s rules, policies and procedures. IFAD and its officials, agents and
employees shall be held harmless from and against all suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses and liability of
any kind or nature brought by any party in connection with Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP)
under the State Department for Livestock Development.
2. The Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP) is a six-year project jointly funded by; Government of
Kenya (GOK), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Heifer International, Participating Financial
Institutions (PFI) and Beneficiary communities. The Project came into force on 05 March 2021 with a Completion
date of 31 March 2027 and Loan Closing date of 30 September 2027. The Project Goal is to contribute to
the Government’s agriculture transformation Agenda of increasing rural small-scale farmers’ incomes, food and
nutrition security. The development objective is to increase incomes of 110,000 poor livestock and pastoralist
households, especially youth and women, in an environmentally friendly manner, in selected project areas of the
10 participating counties. The Project areas are Semi-Arid counties (Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo), Arid counties
(Marsabit and Samburu) and other areas are Busia, Bungoma, Kakamega, Siaya, Nakuru and Trans Nzoia.
3. This IFB follows the General Procurement Notice that appeared on the IFAD website on 22nd November 2023,
the United Nations Development Business (UNDB) website on 22nd November 2023 and the Daily Nation Newspaper(
MyGov publication) on 21st November, 2023.
4. The employer now invites sealed bids from eligible entities (“bidders”) for the execution and completion of
Proposed Construction works which are being bid as a unit price contract based on the Bills of quantities.
5. This IFB is open to all eligible bidders who are contractors with business permits/trade licenses and registered
with the respective County Governments as stated in the Lots and wish to participate. Subject to the restrictions
stipulated in the bidding document, eligible bidders may associate with other bidders to enhance their capacity
to successfully carry out the works.
6. The works, and the contract/s expected to be awarded, are divided into lots stated in the bid documents
7. A contractor will be selected using the national competitive bidding (NCB) method in accordance with the IFAD
Procurement Handbook accessible at The NCB process will include a
review and verification of qualifications and past performance, including a reference check, prior to the contract
8. Please note that a pre-bid conference will be held as described in the Bid Data Sheet (“BDS”), Section
III of the bidding document.
9. Bidders interested in submitting a bid shall purchase the bidding document against payment of a non-refundable
fee of Kenya Shillings One thousand by sending an e-mail or letter, giving full contact details of the bidder, to the
following point of contact. This will ensure that the bidders receive updates regarding the bidding document.
Project Coordinator,
Project Management & Coordination Unit,
Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP),
P.O. Box 12261-20100 Nakuru, Kenya
10. Bidding documents may also be viewed and obtained electronically for free from , websites. Bidders who download the bidding document must
forward their particulars immediately to to facilitate any
further clarification or addendum.
11. Bidding documents obtained electronically will be free of charge.
12. The bidders shall chronologically serialize/paginate all pages of the bidding documents submitted.
13. Bids must be delivered to the address and in the manner specified in the BDS ITB 22.1, no later than 1100 hours
East African Time on Monday 29th January 2024
14. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line date and
time specified later. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives who
choose to attend.
15. Bidders should be aware that late bids will not be accepted under any circumstance and will be returned
unopened at the written request and cost of the bidder. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security or a bid
securing declaration (as required) in the manner and amount specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
16. Please note that electronic bids shall not be accepted.
Yours sincerely,
Project Coordinator,
Project Management & Coordination Unit,
Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP),
P.O. Box 12261-20100 Nakuru, Kenya
For: Principal Secretary, State Department for Livestock Development