Jomvu National Government Constituency Development Fund invites bids from interested and eligible bidders /Firms for construction works. The details of the tenders are as follows:
JOMVU NG-CDF/11/2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of Jomvu Sub- County Office Complex and NG-CDF Office (Phase II) | NCA 6 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/012/2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of Administration Block, 2 Classrooms and Toilets at Mreroni Secondary School | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/013/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 2 Classrooms, 7-door flush toilets and 4 Classrooms on first floor at Maganda Primary School | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/014/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of Administration Block at Amani Primary School | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/015/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 2 Classrooms and 4-door flush toilets with septic tank at Kwa Jomvu Primary School | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/016/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 4 Classrooms and 5-door flush toilets with urinal and septic tank at Kibarani Primary School | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/017/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 2 Classrooms at Kajembe High School | NCA 7 and above | Tender Securing
Declaration Form |
JOMVU NG- CDF/018/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 2 Classrooms at Miritini Secondary School | NCA 7 and above | Tender Securing
Declaration Form |
CDF/019/ 2020-2021 |
Proposed Construction of Administration Block at Jomvu Police Station | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/020/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 3 Classrooms at Miritini World Bank Primary School | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/021/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 2 Classrooms at Amani Primary School | NCA 7 and above | Tender Securing
Declaration Form |
JOMVU NG- CDF/022/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of 2 Classrooms at Jomvu Girls High School | NCA 7 and above | Tender Securing
Declaration Form |
JOMVU NG- CDF/023/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of Administration Block at Maganda Police Station | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
JOMVU NG- CDF/024/ 2020-2021 | Proposed Construction of Assistant Chiefs Office at Vikobani | NCA 7 and above | 2% | OPEN |
1.1 Interested tenderers who meet the following Mandatory Requirements as a minimum supported by copies of requisite documents at submission will be considered for further evaluation:
- MUST provide copy of Business Registration/lncorporation Certificate
- MUST provide valid copy of tax compliance, PIN and VAT certificates
- MUST provide dully filled, signed and stamped Business Questionnaire and Tender Form by lawfully authorized person.
- MUST provide valid NCA certificate with current practicing license in building and construction as indicated above for each project.
- MUST attach copy of receipt issued after purchase of hard copy of the tender document
- MUST serialize documents/pagination sequentially by numbering machine
- MUST attach valid CR 12 from the registrar of companies, copies of National Identity cards for c directors. For sole proprietors to attach copies of director’s ID
- MUST provide original bid bond 2% of the bid price in form of bank guarantee from a reputable bank or insurance company recognized by PPRA and must remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening for OPEN tenders only
- MUST duly fill the tender securing declaration form for AGPO category
- Anti-corruption and non-debarment declaration of undertaking MUST be duly filled, signed an< stamped
- SITE VISIT shall be conducted on tenders No. JOMVU NG-CDF/011/2020-2021 and JOMVU NG-CDF/013/2020-2021 on 12th April 2021 as from 10.00 A.M (meeting point JOMVU NG-CDF OFFICES
- A Firm/ Tenderer shall be allowed to bid for a maximum of two tenders. Any Firm/ Tenderer that fails to comply with this requirement shall be disqualified.
1.2 Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information and inspect the tender documents at the offices of NG-CDF Jomvu located behind Islamic TTC Mikindani during normal working hours. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested contractors upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kenya Shillings one thousand only (Kshs. 1,000.00), either in cash or banker cheque payable to the Fund Account Manager Jomvu.
1.3 Duly filled tender documents in an enclosed plain envelope marked with the tender number, tends name and labeled “NOT TO BE OPENED BEFORE DATE 20thAPRIL2021 AND TIME 10:00 A.M. may be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the first floor or addressed to NG-CDF JOMVU P.O BO 90646-80100 MOMBASA so as to be received on or before date20thAPRIL 2021 at 10.00 A.M.NG-CDF JOMVU will not take any liability for lost documents on transit by courier.
1.4 Prices quoted must be net inclusive of all applicable taxes and should be expressed in Kenya Shillings and should remain valid for 120 days from the closing date
1.5 Submitted documents/bids shall be opened immediately thereafter at the NG-CDF JOMV Boardroom at 10.00 A.M in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may choose 1 attend.
1.6 Due to Covid-19 pandemic bidders/ bidders’ representatives MUST adhere to MOH regulations.