Nkabune TTI invites application for eligible bidders for the provision of goods, works and services as and when required
NTTI/21/23/01 | Supply and Delivery of Fresh Vegetable and fruits. | Open |
NTTI/21/23/02 | Supply and Delivery of dry groceries (sugar, wheat, rice, bread, spices, beverages etc.) | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/03 | Supply and Delivery of Chicken, Eggs and Fish | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/04 | Supply and Delivery of fresh Milk | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/05 | Supply and Delivery of Meat (Beef, Iamb Mutton and Pork) | Open |
NTTI/20/21/06 | Supply and Delivery of Pharmaceuticals | Open |
NTTI/21/23/07 | Supply and Delivery of Clothing Technology Training Materials and Workshop Related Supplies | Open |
NTTI/21/23/08 | Supply and Delivery of Furniture (Classroom, workshop. office and library), fixtures and fittings | Open |
NTTI/21/23/09 | Supply and Delivery of Software | Open |
NTTI/21/23/10 | Supply and Delivery of Computer Equipment Networking Equipment and related supplies | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/11 | Supply and Delivery of Toners & Cartridges for printers and photocopier | Youth, Women and- . Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/12 | Supply and Delivery of UPS, Printers .Photocopiers, and related supplies | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/13 | Supply and Delivery of Kitchen Equipment (all categories) | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/14 | Provision of design and printing services e.g. (T-shirts, banners, brochures etc.) | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/15 | Supply and Delivery of Stationery | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/16 | Supply and Delivery of Cleaning Materials and Related Supplies | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/17 | Supply and Delivery of Sport Equipment and Gear | Open |
NTTI/21/23/18 | Provision of Contracts of Small Works and Services (Repair, Partitioning, Renovation, Extensions, Welding, Fabrication and Painting ) | Open |
NTTI/21/23/19 | Provision of Electrical Works | Open |
NTTI/21/22/20 | Supply and delivery of Motor Vehicle Tyres, Batteries, Tubes and Related Supplies | Open |
NTTI/21/22/21 | Supply and delivery of Swimming Pool Chemicals | Open |
NTTI/21/23/22 | Supply and Delivery of Newspapers | Open |
NTT 1/21/22/23 | Supply and Delivery of Cosmetology Training Materials and Related Supplies | ‘-Youth, Women-and Persons with Disabilities |
NTT 1/21/22/24 | Supply and delivery of- Sewing Machines and Related Accessories | Open |
NTT 1/21/23/25 | Provision of Consultancy Services and Training on Quality Management Systems and Information Management System | Open |
NTT 1/21/22/26 | Supply and Delivery of Mattresses | Open |
NTTI/21/22/27 | Repair and Servicing of Generators | Open |
NTTI/21/22/28 | Repair and Servicing of Borehole Equipment | Open |
NTTI/21/23/29 | Provision of consultancy service on environmental impact assessment and environmental audit | Open |
NTTI/21/23/30 | Supply and Delivery Electrical and Electricals materials, fitting and accessories | Open |
NTTI/21/22/31 | Supply and Installation of CCTV Cameras and related supplies, Provision of Repair, Maintenance and Servicing of CCTV Equipment and Security Related Services | Open |
NTT1/21/23/32 | Supply and delivery of LCD projectors .computers, laptops and iPad | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/22/33 | Repair and Servicing of Solar Water Heater Equipment | Open |
NTTI/21/22/34 | Provision of Plumbing Works | Open |
NTT1/21/23/35 | Supply and Delivery of Hardware materials | Open |
NTT1/21/23/36 | Supply and delivery of Building materials-sand .stones, ballast, cement, hardcore and marram | Open |
NTTI/21/22/37 | Provision of Emptying / Treatment of Septic Tanks, soak pit and Pit Latrines Services | Open |
NTTI/21/23/38 | Provision of Pension Scheme | Open |
NTT1/21/23/39 | Provision of Legal Services | Open |
NTTI/21/23/40 | Provision of Local Print Media | Open |
NTTI/21/23/41 | Supply and Delivery of library books (text books & periodicals) | Open |
NTTI/21/22/42 | Provision of tagging of Institute’s assets Services | Open |
NTT1/21/22/43 | Provision of Student Hostels | Open |
NTTI/21/22/44 | Provision of Servicing and Calibration of Equipment | Open |
NTTI/21/22/45 | Provision of running of Institute’ stack shop j | Open |
NTT1/21/23/46 | Repair and Maintenance of Cosmetology Equipment/Machines | Open |
NTT1/21/23/47 | Provision of local radio advert | Open |
NTTI/21/23/48 | Supply, Installation, testing, training and commissioning of Biometric System | Open |
NTTI/21/23/49 | Supply and Delivery of Timber (assorted), props and fencing posts | Open |
NTTI/21/23/50 | Supply and Delivery of Airtime | Open |
NTTI/21/23/51 | Fuel, Oil Products | Open |
NTTI/21/23/52 | Supply and delivery of LPG Gas | Open |
NTT1/21/23/53 | Supply and Delivery of Farm Inputs/Animal Feed and other Agro-Vet Materials | Youth, Women and Persons with Disabilities |
NTT1/21/23/54 | Repair & Maintenance of Cooker, Freezer, Fridge and Related Catering Equipment | Open |
NTTI/21/23/55 | Repair & Maintenance of Computers & Printers | Youth, Women and Person with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/56 | Repair & Servicing of Institute’s Vehicles | Open |
NTT1/21/23/57 | Supply, Maintenance and Servicing of Firefighting Equipment. | Open |
NTTI/2V23/58 | Servicing, repair and maintenance of Sewing Machines | Open |
NTTI/21/2 3/59 | Provision of Insurance for Institute’s Vehicles .Machinery and Buildings | Open |
NTTI/21/23/60 | Provision of Insurance for Students (group cover) | Open |
NTTI/21/23/61 | Provision of Insurance for WIBA | Open |
NTTI/21/23/62 | Provision of Sanitary Disposal Services | Open |
NTTI/21/23/63 | Repair & Maintenance of Photocopiers | Open |
NTTI/21/23/64 | Provision of Security Services | Open . |
NTTI/21/23/65 | Provision of Cleaning Services, Trimming of Flowers and maintenance of Lawns | Youth, Women and Person with Disabilities |
NTTI/21/23/66 | Supply, Installation , testing and commissioning of 2,000 kg cooking gas-cylinder | Open |
NTTI/21/23/67 | Supply and installation of intercom, accessories and maintenance | Open |
NTTI/21/23/68 | Provision of web hosting /V.P.S | Open |
NTTI/21/23/69 | Provision of DSTV Subscription | Open |
Registration/Pre-qualification documents can be downloaded from Nkabune T.T.I Website: www.nkabunetti.ac.ke free of charge. Interested bidders are required to submit duly completed registration and pre-qualification documents in plain sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender reference number, item code number and item description addressed to
The Principal
Nkabune Technical Training Institute
P.0 Box 330-60200 Meru Kenya
All Registration and Pre-qualification documents to be delivered and deposited in the tender box located at the entrance to the administration block on or before 16th June 2021 by 12 noon Kenyan time. Opening of tender documents will be immediately thereafter in the Institute’s Conference Hall. Applicants or their representatives are invited to attend. Late bids shall be returned unopened.