TradeMark Africa (TMA) is a leading African Aid-for-Trade organisation, founded in 2010 with the mission to grow intra-African trade and increase Africa’s share in global trade, while helping make trade more pro-poor and environmentally sustainable. Our focus on reducing the cost and time of trading across borders through enhanced trade policy, better trade infrastructure, standards that work for businesses, greater use of digital innovations, and a focus on creating trade access for vulnerable groups, has contributed to lower cargo transit times, improved border efficiency, and reduced trade barriers. TMA has expanded in recent years to cover 14 countries across East and the Horn of Africa, to Southern and West Africa. TMA operates on a not-for-profit basis and is funded by 12 institutional and philanthropic development partners. TMA works closely with regional and continental organisations, national Governments, the private sector, and civil society organisations to deliver results that drive shared prosperity and reduce poverty.

For more information, please visit

TMA wishes to appoint service providers to a framework agreement whose expertise shall be called upon via competition and contracts awarded from time to time amongst the service providers on the framework agreement, in response to specific defined pieces of work.

The Framework Agreement shall cover the following broad areas of work:

  Description FWA Number
1.       Consultancy Services for Provision of Communication and Event Management Services TMA/FWA/C0MMS/01/2024
2.       Consultancy Services for Provision of Videography, Photography, and Live Streaming Services TMA/FWA/C0MMS/02/2024
3.       Supply Delivery and Installation of Signage TMA/FWA/IBM/01/2024
4.       Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Computers and Accessories TMA/ FWA/IBM/02/2024
5.       Consultancy Services for One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs) Furnishing and Signage Needs Assessments, Development of Specifications and Supervision of Installation TMA/FWA/1BM/03/2024
6.       Consultancy to Undertake Baseline, Time and Traffic Surveys and Endline Results Measurement TMA/FWA/IBM/04/2024
7.       Consultancy Services for Development of ICT Specifications and Supervision of ICT Installations TMA/FWA/IBM/05/2024
8.       Supply Delivery, and Installation of Furniture TM A/FWA/IBM/06/2024
9.       Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Back-Up Power Infrastructure TMA/FWA/IBM/07/2024
10.     Provision of Consultancy Services to Conduct Operational IT/Audit Engagements TMA/FWA/IA/01/2024
11.     Provision of Consultancy Services for Audit Investigation Assignments TMA/FWA/IA/02/2024
12.     Provision of Monitoring and Evaluation Services Within the Results & Impact Team in TradeMark Africa TMA/FWA/M&E/01/2024
13.     Consultancy Services for Business Analysts for TMA and its Partners TMA/FWA/DTS/01/2024
14.     Consultancy Services for Software Development Firms for TMA TMA/ FWA/DTS/02/2024
15.     Supply of ICT Equipment to TMA and its Partners TMA/FWA/ DTS/03/2024
16.     Provision of Consultancy Services for TradeMark Africa Customs Sub-Unit TMA/FWA/T&P/01/2024
17.     Provision of Consultancy Services for TradeMark Africa Trade Sub-Unit TMA/FWA/T&P/02/2024
18.     Individual Consultants to Support TradeMark Africa Trade and Customs Unit TMA/FWA/T&P/03/2024

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