GIZ Kenya in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy (MoE), through the Directorate of Renewable Energy, and other partners are implementing the GCF project: Promotion of Climate Friendly Cooking in Kenya. The project is implementing a performance-based support scheme to enable stoves producers to significantly improve their production processes. The scheme entails provision of tailored ‘professionalisation kits’, designed based on needs of the ICS producers. The production processes will be mechanised (i.e. with relevant machines, tools and equipment) to reduce the production throughput time, improve workmanship and maintain consistent level of production quality.
In addition, technical assistance is provided to all the producers via a set of capacity building suites covering aspects that include but not limited to production process to improve technology, materials, workplace health & safety, workflow, quality control, Environmental and Social Management. It is also expected that stoves producers will be further supported to achieve Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) quality standards (stamp/sticker mark of quality), and to develop brands (name/ logo, etc. on basis of either KEBS mark, VLS or given guideline) to communicate the quality of their products to consumers.
Call for Bids
Building the capacity of more facilities to undertake stove testing service seekers within the market is just but one of the options in efforts to create an enabling environment for the sector to thrive. As stoves production processes get professionalized, timely delivery of test results will be required to enable timely decision making for the entrepreneurs. The project is looking to enhance the ICS testing capacity by supporting establishment of up to 4 new facilities. The pre-identified sites for the facilities include Strathmore University hosted within the SERC, DeKUT and at most three Energy centres domiciled within the Ministry of Energy. The scope of tests services to be provided by each testing centre will be based on each centres capacity and resources set aside for this process.
To ensure that the process is harmonized, and each centre follows a path prescribed by KENAS, the national accrediting authority, the GCF project is seeking the services of consultant to support the prospective service providers in the journey towards accreditation.
Interested bidders must provide verifiable proof of qualifications and experience. The individual consultant is requested to review the indicated qualifications in the Terms of Reference (ToRs) which will be shared.
To participate, interested bidders should send a blank email with tender reference: 83427934 in the subject line to between 15.03.2023 to 20.03.2023. An email response will provide the relevant documents with further information on 21.03.2023, thereafter no documents will be shared.
Kindly submit your complete technical and financial proposal in PDF format in two separate email with tender number 83427934 on the subject to
Deadline for Submission: 10.04.2023
Failure to address correctly will lead to automatic disqualification.
General terms and Conditions of Contract of GIZ apply.
Bidders are not allowed to contact or discuss any aspect of the tender with GIZ before closing of the tender as it will lead to automatic disqualification.
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