The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing technical cooperation measures on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The goal of GlZ is to support the capacity development of people, organizations, and institutional structures in the partner countries to enable them better their living conditions through their own efforts. Based on the government agreement, GlZ implements its commission in close cooperation with the civil society.
GlZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in coordination with the Government of Somalia and Baidoa are implementing a new project in strengthening resilience for IDPs, returnees and host communities in Baidoa District through an increase in employment opportunities especially for young people and women and supporting the local government, non-governmental and private-sector actors to achieve a higher employment rate for the target groups.
The target groups of the project are internally displaced persons, returnees and the vulnerable members of the host communities living in the urban and peri-urban greater Baidoa area. The project particularly targets those parts of the local population that are considered disadvantaged and vulnerable due to their low qualification and the high pressure on existing scarce resources caused by the reception of IDPs/returnees.
Call for bids from potential suppliers/companies
Due to the high volatility of the security situation in Baidoa district, the project is implemented partly by partners and managed remotely. The GlZ staff in Baidoa is required to follow strict security measures limiting movement and access to project sites.
Therefore, GlZ Somalia is seeking a service provider to undertake Consultancy Services to Undertake Market Assessment on Income Opportunities & MHPSS in Baidoa District.
The Market Assessment is to provide GlZ with an analytical review of the existing and potential economic sectors that could help target group generate income and access the local urban and semi-urban markets. It will identify opportunities for entrepreneurship/new businesses and skills training(s) tailored to local market conditions. All provided results should be disaggregated by gender, age and belonging to an IDP or host community household, where applicable disability.
How to apply.
Interested firms/companies should send a blank email with tender reference: 83407907 in the subject line to between 11.05.2022 to 18.05.2022. An email response will provide the ToRs and relevant tender documents with further information on 23.05.2022, thereafter no tender documents will be shared.
If interested, please submit your complete Finandfel & Technical proposals together with the requested documents in a SEALED ENVELOPE clearly marked TENDER NO: 83407907. Failure to address correctly will lead to automatic disqualification.
Addressed as follows and dropped to tender box available at:
Tender No. 83407907
GlZ Office Nairobi, RECEPTION
9th Floor, Riverside Square, Riverside Drive
P.O. Box 41607, 00100
Deadline for submission: 31.05.2022 @1600hrs (East African time)
General Purchase Conditions and Procurement procedures of GlZ apply.
Bidders are not allowed to contact or discuss any aspect of the tender with GlZ before closing of the tender as it will lead to automatic disqualification.