The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] GmbH is p federal Enterprise with worldwide operations in 120 countries. GIZ supports the German Government in the fields of international cooperation for sustainable development. Through its work, GIZ assists people and societies in shaping their own futures and improving living conditions.
Improving the employment situation for women and a faster ecological transformation are essential to achieve the partner countries’ development objectives. WE4D is implementing a private sector development project. The objective of this project is to enhance the competitiveness and environmental sustainability of micro enterprises within the gum Arabic value chain and promote employment for women’s economic empowerment and improved food security in North of Kenya.
To achieve this objective, the project will provide target micro entrepreneurs with technical skills, knowledge and capacity in the following areas, of focus:
- Promote employment of women and youth by providing technical skills and business support for enhanced business capacity of gum collectors and business groups in gum collection.
- Promote gender diversity and support enhanced gender equality by promoting gender equality that enhance women’s access to business opportunities.
- Promote Green Transformation by supporting adoption of skills and approaches that reduce and recycle waste and promote regeneration of forests.
- To achieve the above, GIZ is seeking the services of a consultant to implement support in the implementation of the following tasks:
- Establish gum Arabic agency model and build capacity off agents by: Providing Technical Skills and Business Support to Gum Collectors to sustainably harvest, store and supply gum to Acacia EPZ while ensuring conservation of existing acacia tree cover.
Promoting Gender Equality by addressing the challenge of gender inequality as a big factor of access to business opportunities along gum arabic value chain.
- Promote sustainable management of waste gum and invasive prosopis through provision of skills in waste management and recycling , and linkages to market.
- Provide technical capacity in agroforestry and complementary value chains by providing skills training in nursery management and business support with the goal of providing additional alternative economic opportunities that will also contribute to food security and environmental conservation.
Interested firms/companies should send a blank email with tender reference: 83471779 in the subject line to between 23.09.2024 to 25.09.2024.
An email response will provide the ToRs and relevant tender documents with further information on 26.09.2024, thereafter no tender documents will be shared.
Clarification must be sent through the email ( by 30.09.2024 to be responded to via email by 02.10.2024.
Kindly submit your signed and stamped financial and technical proposals in two separate envelopes, enclosed in a SEALED ENVELOPE clearly marked Tender No. ‘83471779’to the address below: