Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency has received financing from the
Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation intends to apply
part of the proceeds of these funds towards the cost of Construction of:
# | Tender name & Number | Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting and Site visit | Bid Bond amount from Bank | Closing Date |
1. | Tender No. LVNWWDA/GK/BGM/ALUPE DAM/2023-2024/01
Tender Name : Construction Alupe Dam Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation and Augmentation Project |
3rd July,2024 at 9am at Alupe University | Ksh 12 million | 17th July 2024 at 1200HRS |
- Tendering will be conducted under open National competitive bidding method using a stan- dardized tender document and is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers registered in at least Category NCA 3 (Water Works) by the National Construction
- Qualified and interested Tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the tender documents during office hours (08:00 to 17:00 hours), except during lunch break starting 13:00 to 14:00 Hours East African Time at the address given below.
- Complete sets of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written applications to the address below and upon pay- ment of a non-refundable fee of 1,000.00. The method of payment will be cash deposit into the Agency’s Revenue Account at Kenya Commercial Bank, Kakamega Branch Account No.1103686909) or by banker’s cheque from a reputable bank in Kenya. Bidders will be issued with a receipt on submission of Bank deposit slips. The bidding documents will be collected from the address below upon production of a purchase receipt.
- Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded for free from the Agency’s website or the Public Procurement Information Portal website .
- Tenderers who download the tender document must forward their particulars immediately to: or to facilitate any further clarifi- cations or addenda and for record purposes.
- All Tenders must be accompanied by as specified in the table above from a reputable bank approved by the Central Bank of The tender security shall be as prescribed in the bidding document and valid for 150 days from the tender submission deadline. The Security shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee.
- Tenderers shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender documents submitted.
- MANDATORY site visits and pretender meetings shall take place as specified above.
- Completed tenders should be deposited in the tender box at the Agency’s procurement offic- es in Kakamega or delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday 17th July, 2024 at 12 Noon East African Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
- Tenders shall be opened immediately after the date and time specified above or any date and time specified later. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address on or before Wednesday 17th July, 2024 at 12 Noon East African Time. Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
- NOTE that Opening of tenders will be in line with the PPRA Guidelines as stipulated in Circu- lar No.02/2020 which can be accessed from their website
- Late tenders will be Rejected.
- The address referred to above for inspection, submission and opening of tenders and obtain- ing further information is: