PROCURING ENTITY: Peace Winds Japan P.0 Box 27038-00100, Nairobi
CONTRACT NAME: Construction of an auto repair and maintenance garage in Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, Turkana West Sub County, Turkana County.
DESCRIPTION: Peace Winds Japan [PWJ] is an international organization established in 1996 with the mission to provide quality humanitarian and development assistance to people affected by conflicts and natural disasters as well as to support vulnerable communities to build resilience and self-reliant living. With this background, PWJ wishes to construct core components of auto repair and maintenance garage in Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, Turkana West, Sub County, Turkana County.
- Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method [National] using a standardized tender document. Tendering is open to all qualified ana interested Tenderers but only limited to the entities registered under Kenyan law.
- Qualified and interested tenderers may obtain further information, inspect and receive Tender Documents from 9am-5pm at PWJ Nairobi Office or PWJ Kakuma Office or by writing to Tenderers in need of tender documents will be required to pay non-refundablefee of Ksh: 5,000 and provide proof of payment. Non-refunaable amount will have to be deposited to the following account:
Bank name: Equity Bank
Branch: Kakuma
Account name: Peace Winds Japan
Account number: 1650270706757
- Completed tenders must be delivered to the PWJ Nairobi office or PWJ Kakuma office by on 18 Aug 2022. Electronic and late submission will not be permitted.
- Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at PWJ Kakuma Office/Online at 11am on 19 Aug 2022.
Addresses and contacts:
PWJ Nairobi office [Lavington Mall No.5, on the 1st floor next to ABSA Bank, Nairobi], Contact: 0717861T89
PWJ Kakuma office [UNHCR Compound 3, Kakuma, Turukana County], Contact: 0713584668