PCEA Chogoria Hospital is a faith-based Institution based at the Chogoria, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. The Hospital has received funding from USAID/ASHA through Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF), for construction of the new Dormitory block for the School of Nursing.
The Hospital invites sealed bids from eligible and competent Contractors in National Construction Authority (NCA) listing Class 4 and above. Bid documents shall be accompanied by duly filled mandatory requirements as contained in the tender document.
Tender document may be obtained from the CEO’s Office at Chogoria Hospital (Tel – 020- 514 6700/ 0734192208) in hard copy or via request through email – info@pceachogoriahospital.org , upon payment of mandatory fee of Kshs. 3,000/- for document processing via Mpesa Business No. 502052 account “ASHA dormitory”. Proof of payment shall be required during tender evaluation.
Completed documents in plain sealed envelope marked TENDER FOR PROPOSED NEW DORMITORY BLOCK FOR CHOGORIA SCHOOL OF NURSING should be addressed to
THE CEO – PCEA CHOGORIA HOSPITAL, P. O. BOX 35-6041, or be deposited in the tender box at the ADMINISTRATION OFFICES on or before 12 Noon on 18th November 2020.
Tender documents delivered after this deadline shall not be accepted. The Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders’ representatives who may choose to attend.