The GCF project has over the last 3 years overseen achieved a couple of milestones aimed at improving the capacity of selected ICS producers to produce stoves to scale. For instance, as at the end of 2023, the project reported supporting a total of 130 stoves businesses categorized as 11 business class, 63 professional class and 56 artisanal producers. In addition, over 50% of the identified producers have benefitted from professionalization kits besides capacity building on their safe use and maintenance via a dedicated curriculum developed by the project technical partner, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. In addition, the project has constructed 10 stoves production workshops and handed them over to the benefitting entrepreneurs.
As more enterprise professionalize, compliance becomes a need that must be assured. With the goal of building a pool of business class producers with the technical and entrepreneurial capacity to supply to scale the volumes of improved biomass stoves capable of contributing to the NDC targets, the project is also keen on guaranteeing positive health and environmental impacts along the value chain. At the enterprise level, compliance is the sole responsibility of the supported producers. However, support in assuring compliance is also the goal of the project.
Towards enhancing the entrepreneurial and technical capacity, the project is facilitating a coaching/mentorship program for the business class producers. Mentorship in the project context is performance-based targeting mostly professional and business class entrepreneurs and covers customized aspects of business development such as development of investment plans, production processes layout, mechanization, compliance with existing provisions/legislations such as the Factories and Other Places of Work Act as well as other existing regulations and standards.
As part of this compliance, it is expected that labor and working conditions in the ICS supply chain complies with the existing legal frameworks. In addition, ICS producers must respect national environmental legislation and standards, such as standards on dust emission and noise levels, and be compliant with the environmental permitting legislation. It is also expected that the creation of new production centers, the significant extension of an existing center, or the opening of raw material (clay, sand) extraction locations, could fall under the national requirements for an environmental permit or an EIA. Even if the said activity is not directly financed by the project, all supported producers must be compliant with the permitting requirements and with national standards. It is in this regard that the project is seeking the services of a suitable expert to support the entrepreneurs to comply with the requirements of exiting frameworks such as the Factories and Other Places of Work Act, existing NEMA regulations/provisions (where required), relevant standards and ultimately develop customized ESMP plans for selected business class producers.
In this regard, the GIZ Office Nairobi invites bidders to submit, free of charge, and without obligation to GIZ, a proposal to offer these services.
The consultancy will be’awarded to a suitable firm that must be legally registered and operational in Kenya. The bidding firm must demonstrate the following:
- i)Legal business entity incorporated in Kenya with at least 5 years operation (supported by the Certificate of Incorporation and a Valid Tax Compliance Certificate)
- ii)Annual turnover of at least KES 5,000,000 (approx. EUR 35,000) in at least 3 years (starting from the latest financial year) supported by audited financial statements.
iii) Minimum of 5 employees.
- iv)Demonstrable relevant experience of 3 similar assignments in terms of type and magnitude out of which one MUST be related to Factories and Other Places of Work Act, compliance with NEMA requirements or development of ESMP plans. The bidder is expected to provide project references with a minimum commission value of KES 2,800,000 approx. EUR 20,000 supported by contracts/LPOs.
Interested bidders should send a blank email with tender reference in the subject line to between 04.06.24 to 08.06.2024.
Please enable email tracking (delivery and/or read notification) when sending email requests to us. In the event of an enquiry, we shall expect you to share the notification as proof that an email was sent.
An email response will provide the relevant tender documents with further information by 10.06.2024, thereafter no documents will be shared.
In case of any queries pertaining to tender, bidders should seek clarification through by 13.06.2024
Response will be shared to all bidders latest 17.06.2024
Upon finalization of the proposals, submit your signed and stamped financial and technical proposals in two separate envelopes, enclosed in a SEALED ENVELOPE clearly marked TENDER NO. 833466572
Addressed as follows and dropped to tender box available at: