Client: | National Museums of Kenya – Natural Products Industry (NPI) Initiative |
Project Duration: | Twelve (12) weeks. |
Tender Number: | NMK/T/18/CONSULTANCY/2024-2025 |
1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Context
The “Natural Products Industry (NPI) Initiative for Kenya” is a flagship project under the Kenya Vision 2030 development
blueprint as incorporated in Medium Term Plan IV 2023-2027 and the Government’s Bottom-Up Economic
Transformation Agenda (BeTA). This agenda is also cascaded in the National Museums of Kenya Strategic Plan
2023-2027. This initiative seeks to fully harness the natural products subsector and thereby build it into a vibrant
industry that will significantly contribute to national development priorities including employment and wealth
creation, poverty alleviation, improved biodiversity management and attainment of double-digit GDP growth. Hitherto,
local initiatives on Indigenous Knowledge intellectual Assets (IKIAs) operate in the informal sector of the
economy and, therefore, there is limited data on the potential contribution of the subsector to the economy and
local livelihoods. There is therefore need for data to establish the market outlook (access, current and future) and
the potential of this subsector.
The National Museums of Kenya (NMK), through the Natural Products Industry (NPI) Program, seeks a consultant
to conduct a feasibility study on the commercial viability of Indigenous Knowledge Intellectual Assets (IKIAs) in
thirteen (13) counties. The study will provide evidence-based insights on the potential for IKIAs commercialization
and outline the investments required to fully harness and mainstream these value chains, driving grassroots economic
and social transformation.
1.2 Goal
The overall goal of the feasibility study is to determine the commercial viability of prioritized IKIAs, and provide
a road map towards opening up a new subsector of Kenya’s economy through harnessing the IKIAs into market-
ready innovations for impactful grass root economic and social transformation.
1.3 Project Objectives
Overall Objective: To conduct feasibility studies to evaluate the commercial viability of IKIAs as Heritage-Based
Enterprises at the local, national, and international levels.
Specific Objectives
1. To conduct a feasibility study for prioritized IKIAs with product-specific value chains and identify the
requirements for successful commercialization.
2. To propose product-specific business plans/model for potentially viable assets, including estimated investment levels.
3. To identify key factors to ensure the long-term sustainability of these enterprises.
2. Scope of Work
2.1 Consultancy Services
The consultant will:
• Produce a report and present during the inception meeting.
• Conduct a feasibility study on the prioritized IKIAs (under the following five categories: Traditional Foods,
Traditional Medicines, Music, Traditional Technologies, and Heritage Sites) in 13 counties namely Kilifi,
Makueni, Tharaka Nithi, Garissa, Marsabit, Muranga, Narok, Kisii, Kericho, Turkana, Siaya, Vihiga, and Kakamega.
The study will involve assessing product value chains, market analysis, risk assessment, exploring
critical sustainability factors among thematic areas of study that need to be investigated. In particular, the
consultant will be expected to share ideas on strategies of transforming the IKIAs into services and goods
for market uptake. The study will also involve ranking the viability of IKIAs in individual counties and across
• Explore the potential inherent in aggregation of IKIAs within and across counties. For instance, harnessing
heritage sites into tourism circuits within which traditional foods, music and dance, traditional attire can be
developed as connected economic activities to deliver multiplier effect.
• Develop product-specific business plans for commercially viable products/assets and propose investment
models that will bring the products into profitability and ultimately lead to socio-economic benefits including
wealth creation, contribution to GDP growth, job creation, increased household income, enhanced
• Produce and physically present of the mid-term report
• Prepare a comprehensive feasibility study report and an abridged version of not more than 25 pages.
• Present the key highlights of the report to key stakeholder for validation and ownership and thereafter
submit final reports (comprehensive and abridged versions)
2.2 Deliverables
• Inception Report: A detailed inception.
• Feasibility Study Reports: A comprehensive report and an abridged version (25 pager).
• Product-specific Business Plans for Commercially Viable Assets: Detailed product specific business
plans reports.
3. Responsibilities:
Role of NMK-NPI and key partners:
• To provide relevant documents needed for the study.
• To avail the list of key informant/respondents and key contacts.
• To organize and host inception and stakeholders’ validation meetings.
The role of the consulting firm/consultant:
• Carry out the assignment as stipulated in the terms of reference.
Timelines and milestones: The project will be executed over a 12-week period.
a. Inception report within 1 week of contract signing.
b. Mid-term report within 7 weeks of contract signing.
c. Present reports to stakeholders for validation within 13 weeks of contract signing.
d. Final reports within 14 weeks of contract signing.
4. Reporting and Communication
a) Reporting Requirements: The consultant will report to the NPI Secretariat and provide bi-weekly updates
on the project’s progress.
b) Communication Channels: The consultant will maintain official communication with the NMK-NPI designated officer.