1. The Commission for University Education intends to shortlist consultants to provide consulting
services for Institutional Skills Gap Audit aimed at establishing the current institution skills, the required
skills and identifying the gaps at both individual and institutional levels. The consultant shall be expected to
develop recommendations to address the identified skills gaps. The exercise is planned to be carried out in
the month of May 2024 for an estimated time period of 21 working days. The detailed Terms of Reference
(TORs) can be found at the following website: or be obtained at the address given below.
Commission for University Education
Head of Supply Chain Management
P.O. BOX 54999 – 00200
Red Hill Road, Off Limuru Rd.
TEL: +254 20 7205000, 0780-656575
2. The Commission for University Education now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate
their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating
that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. The shortlisting
criteria on required qualifications and experience of the firm are:
i) Experience in the assignment, including technical and managerial capability of the firm.
ii) Number of years in business working on the area of the assignment -minimum 8 years
iii) Reference to at least three assignments of similar nature and size carried out in the last 5 years.
Include persons or institutions and contact addresses (phone, email) who can be contacted on the
3. The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to the following provisions that will be highlighted in the
Request for Proposals to be issued to shortlisted firms.
i) The Consultant will be expected to have no conflict of interest with other assignments or its own
corporate interests and acting without any consideration for future work.
ii) The consultant has no personal or business relationship with the Commission for University
Education’s senior management or professional staff.
iii) A firm or an individual in the firm has not been sanctioned by the Public Procurement Regulatory
Authority or are under a suspension or a debarment imposed by any other entity of the
Government of Kenya, or any international organization.
iv) Government-owned enterprises or institutions of Kenya Government, officials and civil servants and
employees of public institutions may not eligible.
4. Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly
whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint
venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if
5. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost based method set out in the Public
Procurement and Asset Disposal Act and Regulations.
6. Further information can be obtained at the Commission for University Education at address mentioned
above during office hours [0800 to 1700 hours].
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