Waumini Sacco is a Savings and Credit Co-operative Society registered in 1980 under the Co-operative Societies Act of the Laws of Kenya. It is a deposit taking Sacco licensed by SASRA. The Sacco primarily mobilizes Savings and Deposits and extends Credit to its members thereby empowering them economically and socially. The Sacco currently has a membership of 60,000 spread in all the 26 Dioceses of Kenya and beyond, operating from Applewood Adams along Ngong Road with branches, in Westland’s, Nakuru and Kisii. The Sacco also has two Liaison offices in Meru, and Mombasa.
As a way of improving service delivery to our members and stakeholders we are seeking consultancy services on
WAU001 | Chart of Accounts |
WAU002 | Information Systems Audit and process re-engineering |
WAU003 | Job Evaluation |
Interested firms that meet the requirements should submit Technical and Financial proposals in a sealed envelope to the address below on or before close of business on Friday, 16/08/2024 to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Waumini SACCO Society Limited
P.O. BOX 66121-00800
For further information visit the Saccos Website www.wauminisacco.co.ke . The Sacco reserves the right to reject any proposal without giving reasons.