The Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) is a customer focused organization that prides itself in its service delivery.
The Authority now invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders for the following: –
Tender No. | Tender Description | Eligibility | Closing Dates |
RBA/RFP/PENTEST/613/ 1298/2021 | Consultancy Services to Carry Out Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing ((VAPT) Services at Retirement Benefits Authority | Open | 29th March, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. |
RBA/RFP/EMPLOYEE- SAT/613/1285/2021 | RFP to Carry Out Employee Satisfaction and Human Capital & Infrastructure Readiness Assessment | Open | 30th March, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. |
Tender documents and details may be obtained from the Retirement Benefits Authority’s Office, Rahimtulla Tower 14th floor, Upper Hill Road, Nairobi, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000.00 which can be deposited in RBA’s KCB account 110 327 5119 Milimani Branch, or, downloaded from the RBA website; for free. All bid documents should be clearly marked with the relevant tender reference number(s), and tender description and should be addressed to;
The Chief Executive Officer,
Retirement Benefits Authority,
Rahimtulla Towers, Upper Hill Road,
P.O. Box 57733-00200
All duly completed tenders should be deposited in the Tender Box on 14th Floor, Rahimtulla Tower, Upper Hill Road, Nairobi so as to be received on or before the stated dates and thereafter be opened in the presence of tenderers/representatives who choose to attend.