Consultancy to create a central register for fixed assets procured from Global Fund Grants managed by The National Treasury
Consultancy to create a central register for fixed assets procured from Global Fund Grants managed by The National Treasury
TENDER NO. AMREF/15/06/2021/007
Amref Health Africa is the largest international health development organisation based in Africa. Working with and through African communities, health systems and governments, Amref Health Africa’s vision is for lasting health change in Africa. With headquarters in Kenya, Amref Health Africa has offices in Ethiopia, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Southern Africa, and West Africa, as well as 11 countries in Europe and North America. For more information, visit our website
Amref Health Africa would like to engage a qualified consultant to develop a central register (in form of an Excel Spreadsheet) for fixed assets acquired from Global Fund grants that fall within the limit of seven (7) years of useful life period.
Interested eligible bidders may download tender documents with complete details from the Amref Health Africa website: upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs 2,000. The payment should be made through the following bank accounts: Kenya Commercial Bank, Kipande House Branch, Account No: 1111429243 OR National Bank of Kenya, Wilson Branch, Account No: 01020058235400. Candidates will then submit original bank deposit slips together with their tender documents as proof of purchase.
Completed Tender Documents and the original banking slips are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelope(s) clearly marked with the tender name and tender reference and should be addressed and delivered/posted to the following address: –
Group Financial Resources Director
Amref Health Africa
P. O Box 30125-00100
Or be deposited at the Amref Health Africa-KCO Small Tender Box at the Main Reception so as to be received on or before Thursday 9th December 2021 at 12.00 noon. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late tenders will be rejected. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates, representatives or Bidders who choose to attend at Amref Health Africa in the Large Lecture Room
Interested eligible bidders are invited to attend a pre-bid conference on Tuesday 30th November 2021 starting at 10am to 12noon. To access the Link for pre-tender conference, log onto Amref Health Africa website
Amref Health Africa Reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and is not bound to give any reasons for its decision.