Invitation to bid on the following 6 Lots for the procurement of a Pan-African communication agency to undertake integrated marketing and communication services, specifically:
- Consultant to develop radio program script (I per country in 9 countries) working per month for 3 months -Total 3 radio scripts in 3 months
- Translate radio program scripts in 3 languages per country (9) per month for 3 months (20 languages per month x 3 months)
- Translate flyers in 3 local languages per country (9) for Children, Youth, Adults for 3 months (16 languages per month x 3 months)
- Media placement for local community radio programs in 3 languages per country
- Media placement for radio program in I youth station per country
- Media placement for Digital placements and campaigns / adds (Google, Facebook etc.) for 3 months
In the following target countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Madagascar, South Africa
Please refer to the Specifications section on page 4 for more details.
Bids will be received, evaluated, and decided upon by
Fairtrade Africa/ Recover Africa Project,
Westcom Point Block C,
Mahiga Mairu Road, Westlands,
P.O.Box 3308-00200,
Nairobi, Kenya
Submission Method; Bids must be received by Fairtrade Africa via email through the following address: tenderrap@fairtradeafrica.net
Deadline for bid submission: Friday 30th April 2021,at 5.00pm EAT
An opening of bids will be held on Monday, 03rd May 2021, at II .00am Eastern Africa Time (EAT).A tender committee from Fairtrade Africa will manage the event and after the opening of all emails received within the deadline, the committee will evaluate their content behind closed doors. Bidders may not be physically present at the tender ceremony.
Bidders will be informed via email about the results, no later than Monday, 10. May 2021. Bidders who have not received an email by that date have not been considered successful