Directorate of Criminal Investigation Tender 2020 

Entity Type State Department
Entity Name Directorate of Criminal Investigation
Tender Reference Number MICNG/DCI/11/2020-2021
Tender Title Disposal of Motor Vihicle, Used Tryes and Batteries by Public Auction
Tender Category Goods
Tender Type Open Tender
Tender Application Fee 1000
Date Published 25th-Aug-2020
Submission Closing Date 28th-Sep-2020
Tender Opening Venue Various Stations/Location
Tender Opening Date 28th-Sep-2020
Tender Opening Time 10:00:00
Tender Status Published
Other Details The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of the National Government through the
Directorate of Criminal Investigations in conjunction with M/s Jostel Auctioneers will sell by
Public Auction the listed Motor Vehicles used Tyres and Batteries.

Condition of Sale
1. Viewing of the items may be done on sites indicated above between the dates of
advertisement and the dates of sale during normal working hours, to verify the details
as they are not warranted by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations or the
2. Public Auction will be conducted at the above mentioned Kenya Police premises on
the dates shown starting at 10.00am
3. Interested bidders are required to pay a refundable deposit of Kshs 10,000.00 which is
mandatory to get a bidding number. The deposit shall be paid in form of cash at the
Directorate of Criminal Investigations Headquarters (Mazingira House) Cash Office
4. All lots bided and fully paid for must be collected within thirty (30) days failure to
which the purchaser shall be liable to pay a storage charge of kshs. 1,000/= per day
5. The items shall be sold on AS-IS-WHERE-IS basis

6. The declared purchaser (highest bidder) MUST pay 25% of the purchase price in cash
for the lots bided and the balance must be paid in cash within seven (7) days from the
Auction day, failure to which the initial deposit will be forfeited and the item offered
to the second highest bidder

NB. The bids are subject to reasonable reserve price. Taxes and other charges involved
during transfer of ownership will be borne by the purchaser.

A bid number shall be given to the prospective bidder by the Auctioneer on payment of Kshs.
1,000 non-refundable fee.


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