The State Department for Water and Sanitation which is mandated among other activities, to promote and Support Integrated Water Resource Management in Kenya invites interested and qualified bidders to tender for the following tenders for Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Boreholes.
No | Tender No. | Tender Name/ Description | Location |
1. | SDWS/ONT/001/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Weru Technical Institute Borehole | Malindi |
2. | SDWS/ONT/002/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Dares Salam Borehole | Wajir South |
3. | SDWS/ONT/003/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Katse Secondary Borehole | Mwingi North |
4. | SDWS/ONT/004/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Kawino Secondary Borehole | Kisumu West |
5. | SDWS/ONT/005/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Barberi Primary Borehole | Marakwet West |
6. | SDWS/ONT/006/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Wikivuvwa Primary Borehole | Kitui |
7. | SDWS/ONT/007/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Nyakiya Primary Borehole | Kasipul |
8. | SDWS/ONT/008/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Gatirari Primary Borehole | Mbeere South |
9. | SDWS/ONT/009/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Sefu Primary Borehole | Lamu West |
10. | SDWS/ONT/010/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Mutui Primary Borehole | Mathira |
11. | SDWS/ONT/011 /2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Siminya Primary Borehole | Matuga |
12. | SDWS/ONT/012/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Silibwet Primary Borehole | Njoro |
13. | SDWS/ONT/013/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Orus Primary Borehole | Tiaty |
14. | SDWS/ONT/014/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Subego Comprehensive | Ndaragwa |
15. | SDWS/ONT/015/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Nyamtiro Borehole | Kuria East |
16. | SDWS/ONT/016/2024-2025 | Drilling, Equipping and Solarisation of Kariene Community Borehole | Meru |
- Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (OPEN Tendering) using a standardized Tender document and it is Open to all qualified firms/contractors.
- Interested tenderers who download the tender documents may obtain further information during office hours [0900 to 1500 hours] at the address given below.
- A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested tenderers electronically from the Website(s), Public Procurement information portal: http// free of charge.
- Tenders shall be quoted in Kenya Shillings and shall include all applicable taxes and a 0.03 percent Capacity Building Levy.
- Tenders shall remain valid for (120) days from the date of opening of tenders.
- All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security Amount for kshs. 100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Kenya shillings from a reputable bank registered by the Central Bank of Kenya or Insurance company registered by IRA valid for an additional 30 days beyond the tender validity period.
- The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the Tender documents submitted.
- Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
- Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified bel.
- Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below.
- Late Tenders will be rejected.
- The completed tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Tender No. and Tender Name/ Description shall be addressed to:
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