- Background.
The Kenya Electricity Generating Company is a Public Liability Company (KenGen PLC) owned 70% by The Government of the Republic of Kenya. KenGen PLC is the leading electric power generation company in Kenya. Windmills, Hydro, Geothermal, and Thermal power plants located in different parts of Kenya. KenGen PLC produces about 70% of the installed electricity the nation. Geothermal sources contributed approximately 48 % of the 8443 GWh sold during the 2020 financial year.
Under Energy Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) regulation, KenGen PLC entered into power plant and windmills specific Power Purchase Agreement with Kenya Power Company (PLC) for the sale of electricity generated. KenGen PLC has a total installed capacity of 1,818 MW. besides the 86% of electricity sales from renewable energy sources.
Under Vision 2030, the Kenya Government expects to increase the installed power capacity from 2,298 MW to 5,221 MW by the year 2030; to meet the power demand which is now estimated at 8% per year. Generation from geothermal resources is expected to take a leading role in this initiative. Pursuant to this, the Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC ( (KenGen PLC), together with the Government under The Medium-Term Plan – III priorities, intends to increase geothermal power capacity to 913 MW by the year 2022. Moreover, KenGen PLC is pursuing the development of an Energy Park, diversification of business strategy into consultancy services, and geothermal wells drilling contracts, amongst others.
- Objectives.
To achieve this target, the company wishes to Recruit six experts to reconstitute The Board of Consultants by engaging five international experts and one local expert in any of these disciplines; Drilling and Logistics, Field Exploration and Development; Environmental Management and coordination; Power Plant Development; Reservoir and Steamfield;
- Scope of Services
The company intends to engage experts, who will advise on scientific, engineering, and technical aspects of geothermal development activities and power plant operations as listed below for a period of four (4) years.
1 Independent evaluation of any fresh and existing geoscientific and engineering data;
2 Review and interpretation of geoscientific and engineering results and reports;
3 Review and recommend geothermal resource development processes and practices;
4 Participate in the preparation of conceptual models for the geothermal fields development;
5 Participate in at least bi-annual onsite meetings to be held in Kenya
- Documentation Requirements
Provide the requirements below;
- Name of firm •Postal address
- Physical address • Telephone number
- Email Address •Contact person
Certificate of incorporation (and any certificate of change of name), certified by an authorized representative of the bidder or (as the case may be) the consortium member Certified copies of Memorandum/Articles of Association for all consortium members Where the Applicant is a consortium, a list of the proposed members of the consortium and the proposed Leader of the consortium. (Attach consortium agreement)
All the members of the consortium must meet the EOI requirements
- a)Information regarding any current litigation involving the consulting firm certified by a reputable law firm
- Eligibility Criteria
The person should have an academic degree from a recognized University; professional experience in a broad variety of geographic settings and countries, including developing countries. Should have no direct or indirect interest in contracts being tendered by KenGen PLC, organizations performing work, or organizations proposing to work for KenGen PLC. Interested individuals should provide specific information as indicated below:
- General qualifications, certification, and Evidence of individual’s experience in geothermal related fields (at least 20 years).
- Relevant Methodology and Work plan, including contingency plan (4 years).
- Consultancy Experience in the region
- Evidence of registration as expert.
- Evidence of transfer of knowledge capability
- Evidence of three major client’s references
- Disclosure of any current litigation, if any
- Clarifications
Interested individuals may request for clarification on this Expression of Interest qualification process for up to Seven (7) days before submission date. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by paper, mail, or electronic mail to:
General Manger, Supply Chain,
Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC,
9th Floor, Stima Plaza, Phase II, Kolobot Road, Parklands,
P.O. BOX 47936-00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-020-3666204
Email:; CC:;
Two (2) copies of the prequalification documents shall be submitted clearly marked ORIGINAL (1) and COPY (1) in separate sealed envelopes. Each envelope should be clearly marked “KGN-GDD-045-2022-CONFIDEN- TIAL – EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR RECRUITMENT OF BOARD OF GEOTHERMAL CONSULTANTS”
The prequalification documents must be delivered by hand or registered mail to:
General Manager, Supply Chain,
Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC,
9th Floor, KenGen Pension Plaza II,
Kolobot Road, Parklands,
P.O. Box 47936, 00100 NAIROBI
The EOI documents should be dropped at the tender box located on Ground Floor at KenGen, RBS building. Bids that cannot fit in the tender box should be submitted to the General Manager, Supply Chain Office located on the 9th Floor KenGen Plaza II on or before the submission deadline.
Bidders should submit one original and Copy (1) copies of the EOI on or before 20th April 2022 at 1000 hrs. The EOI will be opened on the same day in public at 1030 hours, (Kenyan time) at 6th Floor, KenGen Pension Plaza II in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
The Expression of Interest can also be viewed and downloaded from our website
Bidders are advised to be checking the websites from time to time up to seven (7) days before the submission date for any uploaded information through clarification/addendum.
Only firms pre-qualified under this procedure will be invited to submit their Technical and Financial proposals under the Request for Proposals (RFP).
KenGen reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without the obligation to assign any reason for the decision. Only individuals pre-qualified under this procedure will be issued with the tender documents and be invited to submit their technical and financial bids under the Request for Proposals (RFP).