The Kenya Meat Commission (KMC) was established in 1950 through an Act of parliament (KENYA MEAT ACT CAP 363)
with an objective of providing a ready market for livestock farmers and providing high quality meat and meat products to
consumers. It is a public institution and by far the oldest and the most experienced meat processor in Kenya and the East
African region.
To enhance its market visibility distribution network and make it’s safe and quality meat and meat products accessible to
Kenyans. The commission seeks to partner with interested parties to invest and roll out the KMC franchise business model.
The Commission shall license some of its intellectual property, business model, brand, and rights to the franchisee to meet
the commission’s growing demand for meat and meat products in potential markets.
Kenya Meat Commission invites Expression of Interest for Franchising business in the following areas: –
S/N. Region EOI NO. NAME: Areas of interest
1 | Nairobi Region | KMC/EOI/NRB/2022 | Expression of interest for franchising in Nairobi Region | Kilimani/ Kileleshwa, Westlands, Thika Road (TRM, Zimmerman 44 and Kasarani), Karen, Ngon’g Road, Eastern by Pass (Utawala, Kamakis, and Prison Area) |
2 | Coastal Region | KMC/EOI/COAST/2022 | Expression of interest for franchising in Coastal Region. | Nyali, Likoni, Mtwapa, Changamwe, and Bamburi |
Franchising documents to be downloaded from the Kenya Meat Commission website or free of charge. Complete Expression of Interest documents, original and a copy to be sealed in plain envelopes clearly marked “Expression of Interest Number and Name’’ should be addressed and delivered to:
The Managing Commissioner, Kenya Meat Commission,
P.O. Box 2 – 00204 Athi River.
Or be deposited in the tender Box located at KMC headquarters main reception in Athi River marked “Expression of Interest so as to be received on or before Friday, 22nd November, 2022 Time 11 a.m.