Country; KENYA
Name of Project Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project
Credit No.; P157495-KE
Reference No CGI/KCSAP/01/2021/2022
The Government of Kenya has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds to support County Government of Isiolo in instituting sustainable operation of Isiolo Export abattoir.
Livestock production is the backbone of the economy of the people of Isiolo County. It provides food security and income to the households while also providing social security and societal pride in the pastoral community. The subsector development is in line with the vision 2030 and the Big four National government agenda.
Approximately 80 per cent of the county’s inhabitants derive their livelihoods from livestock enterprise, and close to 70 per cent of the rural labour force is employed in the livestock sub-sector. Moreover, enhancing Livestock production, value addition and improved marketing are well captured in the County integrated development plan (CIDP] and the Governors manifesto.
Isiolo Export abattoir is a project of the County Government of Isiolo geared towards addressing the challenge of inadequate market access and value addition in livestock production .It is situated in Burat ward of Isiolo county about 8 km from Isiolo town centre on the Isiolo Oldonyiro road.
The rationale behind setting up of the abattoir was to provide an ever ready market to the pastoralists for all livestock species (camels, cattle, sheep and goats],boost livestock trade, add value to the livestock products, increase income to livestock producers, create employment and earn revenue to the county Government, The abattoir is envisioned to tap into the livestock trade of the Northern and North eastern corridor of Kenya while expanding livestock marketing opportunities by processing higher-end meat products for domestic and international markets.
According to experts abattoir appraisal reports, the World Bank assessment report and feasibility studies, the abattoir demonstrates strong viability both at socio-economic and operation levels. The National Government and The County Government of isiolo have invested considerable resources towards construction of the abattoir, development partners have given expert advice; in addition, recently World Bank has committed to support the completion and operationalization of the abattoir. At this stage, the county is at the phase of investing in equipping, completion works and operationalization of the facility. The abattoir stands close to other Government livestock investment support infrastructure like the Feed lot, livestock screening compartment and pasture production facilities.
The County Government of Isiolo wishes to entrust the operation and management of the abattoir to a willing, competent and experienced private investor. The private investor would operate the abattoir as a business under the legally available options through a public private partnership.
The Private investor shall perform the following –
- Enter into an agreement /memorandum of understanding with the county Government of Isiolo on the term of engagement.
- Operate and manage the abattoir as a private business venture.
- Pay the agreed monies/fees promptly to the county Government of Isiolo for the Use of the Facility.
- Willingly support local community in the promotion of livestock marketing and providing employment of local community especially for the labour requirement.
- Maintain arid safeguard the county investment in the Abattoir during the period the investor will be at the facility.
- Hand over the abattoir to the counter government of Isiolo in a proper working condition upon the expiry of the agreed period of engagement,
The Interested investor shall fulfil the following requirement:-;
- Demonstrate interest to invest in the abattoir.
- Demonstrated clear understanding of the public private partnership.
- Having Experience in major abattoir operation
- Demonstrate expertise in major abattoir operation
- Demonstrate organizational set up to operate and manage the abattoir
- Have a Strategy on supply of livestock to the abattoir and the marketing abattoir products.
- Demonstrate financial ability to support such engagement
The following certified documents must be submitted as part of the expression of interest:
- Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership deed/business certificate.
- Valid Tax compliance certificate.
- A list of directors as contained in the CR12 Form or its equivalent.
- Three referees to ascertain the investor has undertaken a similar business investment successfully.
In responding to this expression of interest, your EOI MUST cover the following areas:
- A technical proposal that portrays a clear understanding of the scope and the business model to be applied.
- Proposed work plan of the investment
- CVs of the key personnel working with the investor.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0900 to 1700 hours. Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail] by Monday 15th November 2021 at 1100 hours.
Physical address: Tender Box at KCSAP Office
Attn: The County Project Coordinator
Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project
Old Agriculture Office, County Commissioners Compound
P.0, Box 6-60300