Agriculture remains to be the backbone of Kenya’s economic development. The agriculture sector recorded
mixed performance in the year 2022. According to the Kenya Economic Survey 2023; the overall growth
in agriculture decreased from negative 0.3% in 2021 to negative 1.9 in 2022. This was largely occasioned
by drought in most parts of the country that severely affected agricultural production. In the same period,
agricultural contribution to GDP was 20.5% in 2021 and 21.2% in 2022. The suppressed agricultural GDP
equally affected the growth magnitude of the national GDP. The real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decelerated
from a revised growth of 7.6 percent in 2021 to 4.8 percent in 2022.
Kenya’s food security requires a vibrant, commercial, and modern agricultural sector that sustainably supports
Kenya’s economic development as envisioned in the Vision 2030 and its implementation plans (the
Medium Term Plans – MTPs), national priorities including the Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda
(BETA), regional and global commitments such as the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program
(CAADP) implementing the Agenda 2063, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The Specific objectives are to:
a) Establish, validate, and digitalize baseline data and status of the Crop Sector resources in Kenya.
b) Undertake a Crop Sector Analysis and model future scenarios to support the current and future interventions
in the Agriculture Sector.
c) Develop a ten year Agriculture Sector Master Plan broken into 5-year implementation plans.
d) Develop investment action plans with commodity value chain “road maps” to support promotion and
advocacy efforts for uptake by the private sector, foreign direct investment and other non-state actors
which also direct implementation and investment by both the national and county governments.
3.1 Address Crops Resources Aspects and Development
i. Collect relevant data on crop production and productivity for analysis and validation.
ii. Analyze crops inputs availability and distribution strategies.
iii. Assess and analyze mechanization levels and have strategies to enhance mechanization.
iv. Consider water resources and water harvesting facilities for irrigated agriculture.
v. Review crops innovations, technologies; and production systems.
vi. Review the seed systems, availability, and access.
vii. Map the country into unique crops value chains investment regions.
viii. Engage Counties and provide County specific agriculture investment options.
3.2 Consider Crops Value Addition and Marketing (technical and economic perspectives)
i) Assess agriculture produce market infrastructure Review crops marketing and credit infrastructure.
ii) Analyze processing, handling, packaging, and distribution of crops products.
iii) Mitigate barriers to crops and value-added crops product trade.
iv) Sensitize counties on how to invest on food storage and post-harvest management.
3.3 Analyze Crops Policies, Laws and Institutional Framework
i. Review, analyze and make appropriate recommendation on the crops policies and laws.
ii. Conduct and inventory of all existing agriculture public and private institutions, analyze their organizational
set up & capacities, institutional problems, weaknesses, and opportunities and make appropriate
3.4 Address Cross Cutting and cross Sectoral Dimensions
i. Analyze the relevant cross sector issues with a significant impact on the crop sub sector.
ii. Provide for best way forward in cross cutting issues.
3.5 Develop ten years Agriculture Master Plan
The AMP will be comprehensive to guide the growth and development of the sector for the ten years
(2024-2034) and will be implemented in two phases.
3.6 Develop the first phase (five years) Investment Plan
Develop the implementation plan through a schedule of multi-stakeholder dialogues to drive the policy
agenda at the county and national levels. The Plan will have activities cost, clear timelines and outcomes.
The process will require collaboration between the Ministry, County Governments, development partners
and other stakeholder for their support and ownership.
The process will follow the following key phases.
a) Initiation Phase: To establish suitable structures, clarity on Terms of Reference and stakeholders’
identification, data collection, literature review and field visits to close gaps.
b) Drafting Phase: Data analysis and drafting of the Master Plan
c) Review Phase: Consultations with various stakeholders at both the national and county level
d) Validation and Approvals Phase: To undertake validations and obtain all the necessary approvals.
The following are the major outputs in development of the Agriculture Master Plan:
5.1 Output 1: Institutional framework established.
The key activities under this output include:
a) Establishment and operationalization of a National Steering Committee (NSC) that will be giving overall
policy direction and approval of the final documents.
b) and National Technical Committee (NTC) that will offer overall technical advice and guidance of the
c) Consultative meetings between NSC, NTC and Partners
d) Establishment of AMP activities coordination Secretariat
e) Capacity building of NTC and crops value chain experts to support development of Agriculture Master
f) County sensitization and prioritization of value chains
5.2 Output 2: Baseline data collected and validated.
The key activities to be undertaken include:
a) Initial assessment of the Crop Sector including available data, policy instruments, technical environment,
constraints among others.
b) Development of tools for baseline date collection
c) Capacity building county teams
d) Collection of baseline data
e) Assessment of crops value chains and their contribution to the economy.
f) Climate change mitigation and adaptation information
5.3 Output 3: Agriculture Sector Analysis conducted.
The analysis will provide a baseline of the sector, its present contribution to poverty reduction, food and nutrition
security, and economic growth among other parameters. It will also address the sector’s contribution
in terms of equity and inclusive growth and development. The analysis will focus on the main trends and
factors that have influenced and affected the sector growth and development.
5.4 Output 4: Ten Years (2024-2034) Agriculture Master Plan Developed
The analysis conducted will be consolidated into Agriculture Master Plan that will provide an evidence-based
analysis of the sector, its contribution to poverty reduction, food and nutrition security, gender and social equity,
economic growth, and climate effects. The Master Plan will provide investment options for the various
Crops value chains which the National and County Governments, development partners, other non-state
actors and private sector can invest in.
5.5 Output 5: Investment Plan with commodity value chain “road maps” developed.
A five-year investment plan for priority value chains, chosen through the sector analysis will be developed.
The investment plans will be coasted and will include outcomes, objectives, outputs, targets, challenges and
opportunities, strategic actions, recommended technology options, policy interventions among others.
Preliminary Mandatory Requirements
a) Valid Tax compliance certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
b) Copy of Business Registration/Certificate of incorporation
c) Valid trading license/Business permit
d) CR12 for limited companies issued within the last one year and the list of Directors and shareholding &
copies of Identification Cards (ID) for the listed Directors.
e) Provide evidence of experience in providing services (a minimum of 2) of similar nature, complexity, and
magnitude within the last five (5) years.
f) Demonstrate financial and organizational strength by attaching audited accounts for the last two (2)
g) Demonstrate the ability, capacity, and experience to undertake the assignment.
h) Provide signed Curriculum Vitae of at least five (5) personnel with capacity to undertake the assignment.
i) Submission of one original tender document and one copy of the same..
This EOI is also available in the Government of Kenya Tender Portal and in the Ministry’s