Reference: MCK-NBO-DFUND-023-012
Mercy Corps is a non-religious, non-profit and non-governmental international humanitarian organization.
Mercy Corps is seeking for an applicant to partner with The Adaptation Services for Action and Learning (ASAL Adapts) Program. ASAL Adapts is a 2-year program being implemented in Wajir and Garissa counties and aims to strengthen ecosystem health through improved governance at county and community levels. The program supports the uptake and use of digital information services and tools among county governments and other key stakeholders in the rangeland management decision-making chain. The goal is to ensure that decision making, and feedback is highly participatory and considers traditional knowledge and ecosystem services when making decisions about natural resources and livestock rangeland.
The Digital Challenge Fund, implemented as part of the ASAL Adapts program, is an open call for applicants which helps advance the program outcome: Rangeland management systems and plans are in place based on a clear set of incentives and scientific data. Specifically, we are seeking applicants to provide solutions to questions tailored to our SOW.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, you will need to complete an Intent to Bid Form and submit it according to the guidelines below.
Applicant can download the Intent to Bid Form at
Completed Intent to Bid Forms must be submitted to Mercy Corps by 14th August 2023 @1700hrs according to the guidelines below.
Email completed Intent to Bid Form to with the Tender Reference number (MCK-NBO-DFUND-023-012) in the email subject line.
After the closing date of this Tender Notice, the SOW will be sent to the applicants who submitted Intent to Bid Forms. The Scope of work will be sent according to the preference you have mentioned in the Intent to Bid Form.