Investment and Marketing Consultant Live2Africa Project at African Union (AU) Tender 2020
The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized Technical Office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission. Its mandate is to support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources (livestock, fisheries and wildlife) to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the people in the Member States of the African Union (AU). AU-IBAR accomplishes its mandate through supporting and empowering the AU Member States, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other stakeholders in the sector. AU-IBAR’s vision is of an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty and hunger.
AU-IBAR led a multi-stakeholder process that brought together livestock sector actors from across the African continent in the formulation of the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA). The Strategy, which provides a 20 year framework for the collective, coordinated development and transformation of the livestock sector on the continent, was approved and endorsed by the AU Heads of State and Government in January 2015. The LiDeSA is to be jointly implemented by all sector actors including Member States and Regional Economic Communities.
To kickstart the implementation of the continental components of the LiDeSA, the European Union funded a Pan-Africa Support to the AU-IBAR for the Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) Project, which is to be implemented in partnership with Member States, Regional Economic Communities and other key livestock stakeholders. The overall objective of the Project is ‘To support transformation of the African livestock sector for enhanced contribution to environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, socio-economic development and equitable growth. The specific objective of Live2Africa is to strengthen the systemic capacity of continental, regional and national livestock sector stakeholders for the economically, environmentally and socially sustainable transformation of the livestock sector.
The Live2Africa Project pioneers a comprehensive and integrated continental initiative that addresses all the subcomponents of livestock development utilizing a value chain approach, focusing on selected priority regional livestock value chains. The initiative is developed along seven Results aligned to the LiDeSA: Result 1: Investments in livestock value chains (LVCs) are increased; Result 2: Animal Health Delivery Services are improved; Result 3: Animal Production, Productivity and Ecosystem Management are enhanced; Result 4: Resilience of Livestock Production Systems are strengthened; Result 5: Technology adoption in the Livestock Value Chains is increased; Result 6: Access to inputs, services, markets and value addition are increased; Result 7: AU-IBAR capacities are strengthened.
Objectives of the Consultancy
AU-IBAR is seeking the services of a short-term Investment and Marketing Consultant. Under the management supervision of the Live2Africa Project Officer, and the overall supervision of the Project Coordinator, and liaising with the Economics, Trade and Marketing Unit on technical matters, the Consultant will undertake operations related to increasing investments in priority regional livestock value chains, polices and regulations, partnerships with public and private sector, and other actors to enhance access to inputs, services, processing and value addition, markets and trade.
The specific tasks will include:
- Identification of business opportunities, support investments, development of Public-Private-Producer Partnerships, for the six priority regional livestock value chains (RLVCs) that have high potential for growth at scale of commercial enterprises and improvement in livestock based livelihoods
- Support implementation of strategic investment and marketing interventions and activities identified for the six RLVCs to drive catalytic growth in commercialization in the livestock sector and transformation of livelihoods
- Support studies to create an evidence base to inform policies and strategies to improve investment in and enhance markets for regional livestock value chains.
- Contribute to the development/strengthening of national or regional livestock market information systems
- Prepare policy papers and technical reports on investments and marketing in the livestock sector in Africa
- Develop a system for the efficient monitoring of public and private sector investments and markets.
- Refine and implement a methodological framework to enable AU-IBAR to collect, consolidate and analyse data at continental level for assessing the contribution of the livestock sector to the National and agricultural GDPs in AU Member States within the framework of monitoring of investments under CAADP
- Contribute to the identification of needs and formulate relevant training programmes to build capacity in Member States and RECs and among stakeholders to facilitate the application of methodologies for increasing and monitoring investments and performance in the livestock sector.
- Provide technical support to Members States, RECs and development partners in the design, appraisal and implementation of support programmes in the fields of investments in livestock and the trade and marketing of livestock commodities within the context of the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA).
- Support technical backstopping missions in delivery of projects and programmes in livestock investments, trade and marketing.
- Contribute to the preparation of AU-IBAR’s annual work programme and participate in AU-IBAR’s regular monitoring and evaluation exercises and reporting.
- Provide support and technical back-stopping in other areas of AU-IBAR’s work and undertake other activities as may be required by the Director within the consultancy period
Academic Qualifications & Work Experience Required
Academic Qualifications:
- At least a Masters in agricultural economics (preferably livestock economics), business, finance, agribusiness, investment, marketing, international development or related field from a recognized University, with 7 years of work experience as described below.
- Or a Bachelor’s Degree in economics or agricultural economics (preferably in animal resources/livestock economics), agribusiness, finance, investment, marketing, international development from a recognized University with 10 years of work experience as described below.
Work Experience:
- A minimum of seven years (with Master’s Degree) or ten years (with Bachelor’s Degree) with progressive experience in investment, marketing, and private sector development is required.
- Experience working in value chain development and agribusiness, with demonstrated experience with African regional livestock value chains.
- Experience working with public and private sector agribusiness sector institutions and actors. Experience in project implementation, training and capacity development.
- Demonstrated experience in undertaking relevant studies and in the development of related knowledge products for a wide range of audiences.
Required Skills and Competencies:
- Demonstrated in-depth technical knowledge of livestock development in Africa with skills in investment, value chain analysis and development, agri-business development, marketing and trade
- Capacity for policy analysis, policy formulation and advocacy, development of cooperatives and farmer groups, development of public private partnerships for agribusiness, trade and marketing; and knowledge of inclusive and sustainable development and gender issues;
- Proven relevant computer skills: full command of Microsoft applications (word, excel, PowerPoint) and common internet applications will be required.
- Communication: effective written, oral and presentation skills, particularly ability to present information in a concise and accurate manner
- Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to operate effectively across organizational boundaries; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds with respect for diversity.
- Self-motivated with initiative
Language and Other Skills
Proficiency in English with ability to write reports is required. Working knowledge of French is an asset. Knowledge of one or more of the other AU working languages would be an added advantage. Capacity to communicate fluently with different stakeholders (civil society, government authorities, local communities, and other Project staff)
Duty Station, Duration of the Contract and Remuneration
The Consultant will be based in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Consultancy will be for a period of six (6) months from the day of commencement.
Tax and Other Legal Obligations
The Consultant will be responsible for any tax obligations.
Medical Cover
The consultant will be responsible for his/her medical and life covers during the period of assignment.
Gender Mainstreaming
The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Submission of Application (Technical and Financial Proposal)
To apply, please submit the following:
- Technical Proposal
- A technical proposal elaborating your understanding of the TORs;
- A detailed CV including information on nationality, age, gender, and experience;
- Other relevant information showing experience in the field, demonstration of expertise, academic Background, and an inventory of past and current assignments of a similar nature
- Names and contact details (including e-mail addresses and phone contacts) of three referees.
- Professional Fee
- The monthly professional fee is a lump sum amount of USD 6000. Any field work related expenses (like ticket and daily subsistence allowance) will be based on the AUC rules and Regulations.
Method of Application
Applications must be received not later than Friday 31st July, 2020 at 15:00 hrs Local time and should be addressed to:
Director of AU-IBAR P.O. BOX 30786, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
E-mail: and a copy to: .
The successful candidate will be notified by email.