Teachers Service Commission invites bids from interested and eligible firms to bid for the following tenders:
1. | TSC/T/007/2020-2022 | Provision of comprehensive repair and Maintenance of Air Conditioners | Nil | Reserved for Youth only | 7th October, 2020 9.00am – 3.00pm | Wednesday, 14th October, 2020 at 9.00am |
2. | TSC/T/10/2020-2021 | Supply, Delivery and Fixing of Metallic Filing Racks (109) pieces at TSC HQS | 145,000 | Open to Citizen Contractors Only | 6th October, 2020 9.00am – 3.00pm | Wednesday, 14th October, 2020 at 9.00am |
3. | TSC/T/11/2020-2021 | Supply and Delivery of Covid-19 Protective Essentials | 50,000 | Open to Citizen Contractors only | N/A | Wednesday, 14th October, 2020 at 9.00am |
4. | TSC/T/014/2020-2021 | Supply ,Delivery, Installation and commissioning of Structured Cabling at TSC House 7th Floor | Nil | Reserved
for Women Only |
8th October, 2020 9.00am – 3.00pm | Thursday, 15th October, 2020 at 9.00am |
5. | TSC/T/016/2020-2021 | Provision for Lease of Office Space for TSC at Various Counties | Nil | Open to Citizen Contractors only | N/A | Thursday, 15th October, 2020 at 9.00am |
6. | TSC/T/17/2020-2021 | Provision for Lease of Office Space for TSC at Various Sub-Counties | Nil | Open to Citizen Contractors only | N/A | Thursday,
15th October, 2020 at 9.00am |
Detailed Tender document may be obtained from Supply Chain Management Services Division, the TSC House 2nd floor Podium Wing, Kilimanjaro Road, during normal working hours upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.1, 000.00 (One Thousand Shillings) per set payable to Teachers Service Commission at National Bank of Kenya Account No. 01001000905000, Harambee Avenue Branch or Bankers Cheque and present the bank slip to TSC Cash office for official receipt.
Interested bidders may also download free of charge the same tender documents from TSC website: www.tsc.go.ke or www.tenders.go.ke and forward their particulars for records to ddprocurement@tsc.go.ke. The particulars should include: Name of the firm, the address and Tender Name and Number.
Complete bid documents in plain sealed envelope marked with tender name and reference number should be addressed to:
The Secretary
Teachers Service Commission
TSC House, Upper Hill, Kilimanjaro Road
Private Bag, 00100
And be deposited in the Tender Box located on 3rd Floor, Podium Wing as per the dates and time indicated in each tender above.
Bidders are advised to take NOTE that the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health protocols on the measures to stop the spread of COVID 19 and subsequent additional guidelines on Circular No: 02/2020, Referenced PPRA/6/5 Vol.1 (1) dated 27th March, 2020 issued by the PPRA in respect to handling of procurement proceedings shall apply.
The tenders will be opened in accordance with the provisions of the above guidelines in the same venue in the presence of ONLY one (1) bidder representative from each firm will be allowed to witness the tender opening exercise. All bidders representative will be required to sign the tender opening register before they leave the venue.
Teachers Service Commission wish to inform all applicants who participated in the registration of suppliers and service providers for the provision of goods, services and works for the period 2019/2020 to 2020/2021 that the list of successful applicants is now available and has been posted on our website www.tsc.go.ke.
Applicants whose names do not appear in the list should consider their application unsuccessful.
Teachers Service Commission would like to thank all the applicants who participated in the above exercise. Kindly note that due to the large number of applications received, the Commission was not able to respond to each applicant in writing. This list and the successful applicants posted on the Commission website shall serve as a notification to both successful and unsuccessful applicants.
The interested unsuccessful applicants may seek for an individual debriefing and re-apply after three months from the date of this advertisement for consideration. However, those applying for registration under special group’s category may do so at any time by submitting the requirements for consideration.
Any correspondence may be addressed to:
The Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer,
Teachers Service Commission
Private – Bag 00100