PROCURING ENTITY: Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation P O Box 34585 – 00100 Nairobi.
The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation invites tenders for Contract Names and Description as listed in
the tender schedule below;
RFX No. | Tender Description | Bank Tender Security | Closing/ Opening Date |
1000001002 | Supply and Delivery of Distribution Transformers – Open to Local Manufacturers Only | Amount in the document | 10.01.2024 |
1000001003 | Supply and Delivery of Treated Wooden Poles Open to Manufacturers – Ex-stock tender | Amount in the document | 03.01.2024 |
1000001004 | Supply and Delivery of 10M Treated Wooden Poles – Youth, Women and Persons with Disability Category | N/A | 03.01.2024 |
1000001005 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Ex-stock tender | Amount in the document | 04.01.2024 |
1000001006 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Youth category | N/A | 04.01.2024 |
1000001007 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Women Category | N/A | 04.01.2024 |
1000001008 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Persons with Disability category | N/A | 03.01.2024 |
1000001009 | Supply and Delivery of Poles Signs and Accessories – Persons with Disability Category | N/A | 05.01.2024 |
1000001010 | Supply and Delivery of Concrete Stayblocks Open to Manufacturers Only | Amount in the document | 05.01.2024 |
1000001011 | Supply and Delivery of Concrete Poles Open to Manufacturers only | Amount in the document | 05.01.2024 |
1. Tendering will be conducted under National open competitive method using a standardized tender document. Tendering
is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
2. Qualified interested tenderers may obtain further information during office 8.00am – 12.45pm to 1.45pm-4.00pm
Monday to Friday at the address given below.
3. A complete set of tender documents may be viewed and downloaded by interested tenderers free of charge electronically
from the Website under December 2023 tender documents, through the e-procurement portal
using and on the Public Procurement Information Portal