The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation invites tenders for Contract Names and Description as
listed in the tender schedule below;
RFX No. | Tender Description | Bank Tender Security | Closing/Opening Date |
1000000959 | Supply and Delivery of Cut Outs – Youth Category Only | N/A | 05.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000960 | Supply and Delivery of Treated Wooden Poles Open to Manufacturers – Ex-stock tender | Amount in the document | 22.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000961 | Supply and Delivery of Treated Wooden Poles –
Youth Category |
N/A | 28.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000962 | Supply and Delivery of Treated Wooden Poles –
Women Category |
N/A | 28.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000963 | Supply and Delivery of Treated Wooden Poles –
Persons with Disability Category |
N/A | 28.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000964 | Supply and Delivery of Pin Composite Insulators Open to Manufacturers only | Amount in the document | 27.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000965 | Supply and Delivery of Shackle, 33Kv Stay and L.V Stay Insulators – Ex-stock tender | Amount in the document | 04.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000966 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Ex-stock tender | Amount in the document | 04.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000967 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Youth category | N/A | 02.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000968 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Staywires – Women Category | N/A | 02.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000969 | Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Stay- wires – Persons with Disability category | N/A | 02.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000970 | Supply and Delivery of Poles Signs and Accessories –
Persons with Disability Category |
N/A | 28.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000971 | Supply and Delivery of Concrete Stayblocks Open to Manufacturers Only | Amount in the document | 03.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000972 | Supply and Delivery of Concrete Poles Open to Manufacturers only | Amount in the document | 03.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000973 | Supply and Delivery of Crossarms, Channels, Tie Straps, D-Irons and Stayrods – Youth Category | N/A | 06.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000974 | Supply and Delivery of Overhead Line Fittings – Women and Persons with Disability Category | N/A | 06.10.2023 @10.00am. |
1000000975 | Supply and Delivery of Heavy Duty Clamps Open to Manufacturers only | Amount in the document | 29.09.2023 @10.00am. |
1. Tendering will be conducted under National open competitive method using a standardized tender document.
Tendering is open to all qualified and interested Tenderers.
2. Qualified interested tenderers may obtain further information during office 8.00am – 12.45pm to 1.45pm-
4.00pm Monday to Friday at the address given below.
3. A complete set of tender documents may be viewed and downloaded by interested tenderers free of
charge electronically from the Website under September tender documents or through the
e-procurement portal using
4. Tenderers who are not yet registered with REREC must register their companies in order to participate in the
tender using link below that can be found from the website Procurement-Supplier registration:
5. Tenders to be accompanied by a Tender Security in the amounts prescribed in the tender document except
tenderers in the special categories of Youth, Women and Person with Disability. Original Bid security must be
delivered to the tender Box at the reception of Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, Off Popo Road, before
closing date and time specified in the tender schedule above.
6. The Tenderer shall chronologically serialize all pages of the tender document submitted.
7. Completed tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before date and time indicated in the schedule
of tenders above
8. Only Electronic Tenders will be permitted.
9. Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above or any dead line date
and time specified in the schedule. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated
representatives who choose to attend at the address below and the results relayed electronically.
10. Any addendum to this tender shall be uploaded to the Corporation’s website under the
specific tender documents.
11. Late tenders will be rejected.
12. The addresses referred to above are:
Address for obtaining further information on tender documents
For hand Courier, tender Box is located in Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, Off Popo Road. Contact
Manager, Supply chain management, telephone number: 0709193000 and e-mail address:
Address for Submission of Tenders: Online Through
Address for Opening of Tenders. Kawi Complex, Block C, Ground floor, e-procurement system
Designation: Chief Executive Officer