Credit Numbers 7289-KE and 7290-KE
Project ID No. P170941
1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya (GoK) has received financing in the amount equivalent to
US$390 Million equivalent from the World Bank towards the cost of the first phase of the Kenya Digital
Economy Acceleration Project (KDEAP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods,
works, non-consulting services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will
be jointly financed by the Government of Kenya.
2. The project will include the following components:
2.1 Component 1. Digital Infrastructure and Services – The aim of this component is to increase
access to high-speed internet for individuals, industry, and government—the ‘foundation of the
foundations’ of a digital economy and strengthen Kenya’s role as regional digital leader—while
leveraging investments from the private sector
2.2 Component 2. Digital Government and Services – This component will invest in the foundational
digital services, platforms, architectures, and policies needed to transform the way the
Government communicates and conducts its internal operations.
2.3 Component 3. Digital Skills and Markets – This component aims to equip young Kenyans with
digital skills and strengthen their abilities to access and compete in domestic and regional markets
through supporting skills development, to study mechanisms to improve access to affordable
devices and through enhancing the enabling environment for e-commerce to support Kenya’s role
as a regional digital hub.
2.4 Component 4. Project Management – This component will support project implementation,
coordination, for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) within ICTA and capacity building.
2.5 Component 5: Contingent Emergency Response Component-This component will be activated in
the event of an emergency.
3. The goods, works and consulting services that will be procured through Open International Competitive
Procurement include:
3.1. Technical Assistance to designate fiber routes to benefit from project funds, including those for
piloting procurement models to leverage private investment, evaluation and development of a
Customer Transaction Manual (CTM)
3.2. Consulting services for a detailed technical survey, designation of routes to benefit from project
funds and preparation of the bidding documents for optic fibre cable and active equipment
3.3. Assessment study to classify sites by least cost connection and impact on market development for
last mile connectivity for Government and Educational institutions,
3.4. Pre-purchase of long-term internet supply agreements – for 4,400 Ministries, Counties, Departments
and Agencies (MCDAs)
3.5. Technical Assistance and Capacity building for the Communications Authority of Kenya
3.6. Design, set-up and operationalization of a security operations centre for Government (GovSOC) to
provide visibility, response, remediation and resilience against cyber-attacks and protection of key
government applications and services.
3.7. Assessment study of requirements for delivery of e-Service delivery, digitization of manual records
and governance
3.8. Design of Next Generation Architecture for Digital Payments for Government
3.9. Technical Assistance to identify the challenges faced and opportunities for upgrade and improvement
in the existing Government communications systems; a comparative analysis of software and
systems needed; and mechanisms for sourcing appropriate technologies
3.10. Technical Assistance to position Kenya as a Digital hub, including requirements for digital skills
3.11. Assessment of nationwide digital skills gap among citizens and the supply and demand of local ICT
talent and professionals in the country and a road map for closing the gaps
3.12. Device affordability assessment
3.13. Digital services export strategy
3.14. Technical specialists in procurement and financial management, environmental and social safeguards,
Gender Based Violence Expert (part-time) and communications specialists to support the
Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
3.15. Procurement of Communication Equipment and Software
3.16. Procurement of Laptops(255 users), PDAs, IPADs (25 users), IP Phones, Macbooks (40 users),
Laptops (x4 for PS office)
3.17. Fibre Management Software (20 users) Planning Roll Out and Operations
3.18. Procurement of Eboard System, Adobe Editor for Management, Autocad (x10 licenses) Enterprise
Sharepoint (150 users), Office 365 (150 users) and Upgrade of the Boardrooms (Digital boards,
Board audio)
3.19. Procurement of Project Management System
3.20. Procurement of Office Equipment and Systems
3.21. Piloting of connectivity to educational shortlisted educational institutions
3.22. Piloting of shortlisted routes
4. Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified
in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, dated July 2016 and Fifth Edition
September 2023, (Procurement Regulations), and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined
in the Procurement Regulations. After Project negotiations The World Bank shall arrange the publication on
its external website of the agreed initial procurement plan and all subsequent updates once it has provided
a no objection.
5. Specific procurement notices for contracts subject to open international competitive procurement will be
announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business online, on the World Bank’s external
website and ICT Authority website www.icta.go.ke, Public Procurement Information Portal
www.ppip.go.ke and local Newspapers in Kenya.
6. Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods,
works, non-consulting services and consulting services for the above-mentioned project, or those requiring
additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address below:
The Chief Executive Officer,
ICT Authority
Telposta Towers 12th Floor, Kenyatta Ave
PO Box 27150 – 00100 Nairobi Kenya
Tel: +254 20 2089061/ 2211960
Email: procurement@ict.go.ke,info@icta.go.ke
Website: www.icta.go.ke