WANANCHI SACCO SOCIETY LIMITED TENDER 2021 TENDER NOTICE Wananchi Sacco Society Limited invites interested and eligible bidders to participate in the described tender below: TENDER NO TENDER DESCRIPTION ELIGIBULITY PRE-TENDER SITE VISIT…
Provision Of Internet Connectivity For Unhcr Offices In Kenya – UNHCR
UNHCR TENDER 2021 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Background: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR], Regional Bureau in Nairobi, Kenya, provides operational support to 13 UNHCR country operations within…
Procurement Of Various Ict Items – Director of Public Prosecutions
OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS TENDER 2021 TENDER NOTICE The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions invites sealed bids from eligible candidates for various tender items as follows: –…
Consultancy Services for revision of the Physical Planning Handbook
MINISTRY OF LANDS AND PHYSICAL PLANNING TENDER 2021 TENDER NOTICE The Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning invites tenders from eligible bidders for the following tenders: S/NO IFMIS TENDER NO. ITEM Amount…
COMPETITIVE BID – County Government of Kisumu January 2021
COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KISUMU TENDER 2021 COMPETITIVE BID The County Government of Kisumu, City of Kisumu intends to use part of its funds (County Revenue Fund) towards the cost of the following…
Call For Proposals For Food Production Systems – UNDP
UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME TENDER 2021 CALL FOR PROPOSALS Objectives Phase 2 of the ICCA Global! Support Initiative (GSI) provides support to territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities…
TENDER NOTICE – Kenya National Bureau of Statistics January 2021
KENYA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS TENDER 2021 TENDER NOTICE The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency established under the Statistics Act, 2006 to collect, compile, analyze, and…
Supply of Medical Textbooks – Kenya Medical Training College
KENYA MEDICAL TRAINING COLLEGE TENDER 2021 PREQUALIFICATION NOTICE PUBLISHERS FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL TEXTBOOKS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 2020/2021 TO 2021/2022 Kenya Medical Training College intends to pre-qualify publishers for the supply…
Proposed Construction of 13KM Electric Fence in LNC Project in Laikipia County
NATIONAL DROUGHT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY TENDER 2021 TENDER NOTICE The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) is a public body established by the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) Act, 2016. The Act gives the…
Supply And Delivery Of Varius Goods – National Housing Corporation
NATIONAL HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER 2021 TENDER NOTICE National Housing Corporation (NHC) invites sealed bids from bidders who are able to demonstrate technical and financial capability for the following tenders; TENDER NUMBER TENDER…