CISP – Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli [International Committee for the Development of Peoples] is a rights-based International NGO established in 1983 in Rome. CISP implements humanitarian, rehabilitation and development projects through its cooperation with public and private local actors in over 30 countries globally. Since 1997, CISP has been working in Kenya to carry out projects in areas of development by supporting national and county authorities to provide quality, equitable, transparent and accountable services in various sectors.
CISP Kenya operations are coordinated and facilitated through three offices in Kenya: CISP County office in Nairobi, Mumias field office in Kakamega County, and Hola field office in Tana River county.
CISP intends to create a database of prequalified suppliers of goods, works and services for the period starting 1st July 2022 and ending 30th June 2024.
Description | Bid Nos. | Due Date | Bids Available from | Deliver Physically at the following offices |
Pre-qualification document for suppliers for goods, works and services (YEAR 2022-2024]
Reference code: “TENDER No: CISP/ PQ0S/1/2022-2024” | Thursday, 9th June 2022 at 10:00 am EAT. | Downloaded from the following website | Physical Address for County Office:
CISP Kenya Office No.117 Manyani East Road, Off James Gichuru, Lavington. Physical Address for CISP Hola Field Office: Next to Tana Benchmark, Off Hola County Referral Hospital Road. Hola, Tana River County. Physical Address for CISP Mumias Field Office: Located at Mumias Lukoye area along Kakamega Bungoma Road near Rehoboth Petrol station and share the same compound with ASA International Ltd. |
Pre-qualification data instruction:
All interested and eligible suppliers/works/services providers are invited to apply for pre-qualification, indicating the Reference code: “TENDER No: CISP/PQ0S/1/2022-2024” and sub-category of goods, works or services they wish to supply. The Prequalification Document can be downloaded free of charge from the following CISP website:
Submission Instructions:
The bidders MUST comply with all the instructions, terms, and conditions and ensure that all the required forms are properly completed and bound.
The application should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes and deposited in the PRE-QUALIFICATION Tender Box located in any of the three CISP offices detailed above. The sealed envelope should be clearly marked: “TENDER No: CISP/PQ0S/1/2022- 2024”. The tender application should be received on or before the closing date 9th June 2022 at 10:00 am EAT.
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