Hazina Sacco Society Ltd invites applications from interested and eligible firms for pre-qualification for the supply of the under listed Goods, Services and Works for the Year 2023/24. All the suppliers with whom we are currently engaged also need to re-apply.
No | Tender No | Description |
A1 | HSS/PREQ/01/23-24 | Supply of general office stationery and other consumables. |
A2 | HSS/PREQ/02/23-24 | Supply of computer software & licenses and hardware equipment. |
A3 | HSS/PREQ/03/23-24 | Supply and repair of office furniture and fittings. |
A4 | HSS/PREQ/04/23-24 | Provision of creative design services for promotional materials, calendars, financial reports, brochures, printing and embroidery of t-shirts, caps, staff uniform and related materials. |
A5 | HSS/PREQ/05/23-24 | Supply and maintenance of fire equipment, generators and air conditioners. |
B1 | HSS/PREQ/06/23-24 | Provision of office cleaning, sanitary, garbage collection, fumigation and pest control services. |
B2 | HSS/PREQ/07/23-24 | Supply and maintenance of digital based IP telephone/phone, equipment and related spares/accessories |
B3 | HSS/PREQ/08/23-24 | Provision of outside catering and event management services. |
B4 | HSS/PREQ/09/23-24 | Provision and maintenance of CCTV, alarm system, access control & biometric register, electrical installations and firefighting equipments. |
B5 | HSS/PREQ/10/23-24 | Repair & Maintenance of office equipment computers, copiers, printers, scanners and money counting machines. |
B6 | HSS/PREQ/11/23-24 | Provision and maintenance of security services e.g guard services, alarm backup, electric fencing and CIT. |
B7 | HSS/PREQ/12/23-24 | Provision of general insurance services. |
B8 | HSS/PREQ/13/23-24 | Provision of medical insurance services. |
B9 | HSS/PREQ/14/23-24 | Provision of auctioneer services. |
BIO | HSS/PREQ/15/23-24- | Provision of debt collection Services.’ |
Bll | HSS/PREQ/16/23-24 | Provision of legal services. |
B12 | HSS/PREQ/17/23-24 | Provision of external audit services. |
B13 | HSS/PREQ/18/23-24 | Provision of valuation services – motor vehicles, land & buildings. |
B14 | HSS/PREQ/19/23-24 | Provision of training services. |
Cl | HSS/PREQ/20/23-24 | General maintenance Contractors (painting, repairs, plumbing, building partitioning! |
Interested suppliers may download forms from our website: www.hazinasacco.or.ke/downioads or collect them physically from our office during working hours. A non-refundable payment of Ksh. 1,000/= per category should be made through our PAYBILL: Business No. 850436, Account No. Your Company name 2023 attach mpesa reference number upon return of the form[s).
* Duly completed documents to be put in plain sealed envelope marked with the category number “HSS/ PREQ/…../23 – 24 and addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
Hazina Sacco Society Ltd,
P.O. Box 59877-00200
And should be deposited in the Sacco Tender box at the reception, Kibera Road off Ngong Road, Nairobi to be received on or before Friday 6TH January, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
The Sacco reserves the right to accept or reject any applications.
TENDER DOCUMENT Become our Member To download. Join us Or Login
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