The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Buruburu Institutions intends to update its Register of suppliers for various Goods and Services for the Financial Year 2023/25.
No | Tender No | |
1. | BSCS INSTs/001 | Supply and delivery of machine accessories and maintenance General Office Stationery |
2. | BSCS INSTs/002 | Supply and delivery of fabrics and accessories Toner and Cartridges |
3. | BSCS lNSTs/003 | Supply and delivery art materials of Computers, Printers, Photocopiers and Device Accessories |
4. | BSCS INSTs/004 | Repair and servicing of computers, office equipment, photocopier and printers |
5. | BSCS INSTs/005 | Supply and delivery of computers software and networking. |
6. | BSCS INSTs/006 | Supply and delivery of office furniture and fixtures |
7. | BSCS INSTs/007 | Maintenance and repair of office furniture |
8. | BSCS INSTs/008 | Supply and delivery of Uniform |
9. | BSCS INSTs/009 | Maintenance and servicing of motor vehicles |
10. | BSCS INSTs/010 | Supply of car tyres, batteries and tubes |
11. | BSCS INSTs/011 | Provision of motor vehicle insurance |
12. | BSCS lNSTs/012 | Provision of Medical Insurance |
13. | BSCS INSTs/013 | Provision of accident insurance |
14. | BSCS INSTs/014 | Provision of promotional and advertising materials, corporate branding and signage services |
15. | BSCS INSTs/015 | Supply and delivery (in-house course and team building of text books and library related services) materials |
16. | BSCS INSTs/016 | Provision of artwork and illustrations for books, magazines and other materials |
17. | BSCS INSTs/017 | Provision of Building, services for small work |
18. | BSCS INSTs/018 | Supply and delivery of paints and hardware materials including Laboratory materials and equipment metal fabrication tools and equipments, paints, plywood, leather work materials and tools, school lockers e.t.c |
19. | BSCS INSTs/019 | Supply of sewing machine accessories and maintenance |
20. | BSCS INSTs/020 | Supply of tailoring |
21. | BSCS INSTs/021 | Supply of specialized art materials |
22. | BSCS INSTs/022 | Supply of photography services |
23. | BSCS INSTs/023 | Feeding Program |
24. | BSCS INSTs/024 | Provision of catering and printers |
25. | BSCS INSTs/025 | Supply and delivery of utensils and cutlery |
26. | BSCS INSTs/026 | Supply and delivery of wood fuel |
27. | BSCS INSTs/027 | Supply of petroleum products and cooking gas |
28. | BSCS INSTs/028 | Provision of garbage collection services |
29. | BSCS INSTs/029 | Provision of valuation service (valuers) |
30. | BSCS INSTs/030 | Serving and maintenance of generator |
31. | BSCS INSTs/031 | Provision of security services |
32. | BSCS INSTs/032 | Supply, delivery and maintenance of fire extinguisher |
33. | BSCS INSTs/033 | Provision of cleaning and sanitary |
34. | BSCS INSTs/034 | Supply and delivery of sports and related materials |
35. | BSCS INSTs/035 | Provision of training(in-house course and team building of text books and library related services) |
36. | BSCS lNSTs/036 | Maintenance and service of chimneys, stoves fire grates, ducts, stainless steel hood, filters, extractors fan, other materials energy stoves and gas cookers |
37. | BSCS lNSTs/037 | Provision of tents,services for small work chairs and decor |
38. | BSCS INSTs/038 | Supply and Delivery of laboratory materials and equipment |
39. | BSCS INSTs/039 | Maintenance and repair of electrical works |
40. | BSCS INSTs/040 | Provision of pest control/fumigation services |
Interested and eligible suppliers are invited to apply for pre-qualification, indicating the category of Goods and services they wish to supply. Existing suppliers who wish to be retained, must apply and submit up-to-date information requested in the Pre-qualification document.
Tender documents with detailed specifications and tendering conditions may be obtained from the administration office during the normal working hours upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000 for one set of document per each tender. Completed tender documents to be put in a plain sealed envelope (s) clearly marked Tender NO………..for period 2023/25 indicating respective category and reference number for the item and should be deposited in the tender box at the administration block or sent by registered mail to:
The Director,
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Buruburu INSTs,
P.O. Box 42454-00100,
So as to be received on or before 11.00am on Thursday 29th December, 2022, the pre-qualification documents will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their representatives who choose to attend at Blessed Sacrament Buruburu. All candidates whose applications will have been received before the closing date and time will be advised in due course of the result of their application.
The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Buruburu INSTs reserves the rights to accept or reject any application either in part or wholly and is not bound to give reasons whatsoever for its decision.