The Kenya School of Government invites sealed tenders from eligible bidders for the supply and delivery of various goods and services under Framework Agreement for the Financial Year 2021-2024. Interested tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the tender documents at the respective campus procurement offices in the following locations: Baringo, Embu, Lower Kabete Matuga and Mombasa during working hours from 8:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday or at the School website or the Public Procurement information Portal
Tender No. | Tender Description | Eligibility | Location | Bid Security |
KSC/LKB/DI/2 521-2024 to KSG/LKB/24.2C2I-2 524 | Various goods and services. | As indicated in the bid documents | Lower Kabete, Nairobi | As indicated in the bid documents |
KSG/EBU/C12021-2024 to KSG/EBU08/2C21-2524 | Various goods and services. | As indicated in the bid documents | Embu Campus | As indicated in the bid documents |
KSG/BAR101/2021-2024 to KSG/BAR/19/2021-2024 | Various goods and services. | As indicated in the bid documents | Baringo Campus | As indicated in the bid documents |
KSG/MBA/01’2021-2024 to KSG/MBA/22/2021-2024 | Various goods and services. | As indicated in the bid documents | Mombasa Campus | As indicated in the bid documents |
KSG/MAT/012021-2024 to KSG/MAT/16/2021-2024 | Various goods and services. | As indicated in the bid documents | Matuga Campus | As indicated in the bid documents |
Complete tender documents may be downloaded without charge from the School website: or . Prices quoted must be in Kenya Shillings and should be inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs, and shall remain valid for a period of 175 days from the closing date of the tender.
Duly completes tender documents In plain sealed envelope bearing the tender number should be addressed to the Director General and posted to the respective Campus address as indicated in the bid documents or deposited in the Tender Box at the respective Campus so as to be received on or before Thursday February 17, 2022 at 11:00am. Tenders will be opened at 11:30am in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the opening at the respective Kenya
School of Government Campus while abiding by Covid-19 guidelines and protocols.
Tenders must D9 accompanied by either a Tender Security of Kshs. 250,000.00 in the form of an on-demand bank guarantee from a reputable bank or from an insurance company approved by PPRA, payable to the Director General, Kenya School of Government valid for 210 days from date of tender opening or a duly filled, signed and stamped tender securing declaration form, as applicable.
Supply Chain Manager
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