AfriCert is an international certification body, accredited against ISO/IEC17065 for product and system certification in agricultural production and processes. The company wishes to prequalify eligible suppliers/service providers for the items listed below: –
AFRICERT/T/001/2021 | Supply and delivery of General Office Stationery |
AFRICERT/T/002/2021 | Supply and delivery of Printed Stationery |
AFRICERT/T/003/2021 | Supply and delivery of computers and accessories |
AFRICERT/T/004/2021 | Provision of Car hire and Taxi services |
AFRICERT/T/005/2021 | Provision of Air Ticketing Services (lATA Registered Firms Only) |
AFR1CERT/T/007/2021 | Supply & Repair of Office Furniture, Furnishings. Blinds, Partitioning, interior design and related fittings |
AFRICERT/T/008/2021 | Provision of Repair and maintenance services for computers, printers and networking equipment |
AFRICERT/T/009/2021 | Provision of market research and customer survey services |
AFRICERT/T/010/2021 | Supply, delivery, Installation, commissioning & maintenance of Telecommunication Equipment e.g., PABX Systems and related equipment |
AFRICERT/T/011/2021 | Design, Printing & delivery of Promotional, communication &, corporate branded material [T-Shirts, brochures, newsletters, calendars, banners, plaques, diaries, notebooks, pens, caps, business cards etc.) |
AFRICERT/T/012/2021 | Supply,delivery,installations commissioning of 1CT related antivirus and other standard applications |
AFRICERT/T/013/2021 | Supply. delivery, installation & maintenance of Fire Fighting Equipment |
AFRICERT/T/014/2021 | Provision of repair and servicing of Motor Vehicles, supply of Toyota spare parts and tyres |
AFRICERT/T/015/2021 | Provision of General Insurance brokerage Services |
AFRICERT/T/016/2021 | Provision of Event management and team building Services |
AFR1CERT/T/017/2021 | Provision of data and Internet Connectivity Services |
AFRICERT/T/018/2021 | Provision of Website & Domain hosting and digital marketing services |
AFRICERT/T/019/2021 | Provision of Courier Services |
AFRICERT/T/020/2021 | Provision of Electrical, plumbing and general maintenance services |
AFRICERT/T/021/2021 | Supply & delivery of Protective Clothing, Equipment and Tailored staff Clothing |
AFRICERT/T/022/2021 | Provision of staff recruitment and selection services |
AFRICERT/T/023/2021 | Provision of document archiving and storage services |
AFRICERT/T/024/2021 | Provision of tagging/marking of assets services |
AFR1CERT/T/025/2021 | Provision of strategic planning and business consultancy services |
AFRICERT/T/026/2021 | Provision of external financial audit services |
AFRICERT/T/027/2021 | Provision of office cleaning and fumigation services |
Detailed pre-qualification documents containing submission information are available online from, or from our offices at 1st Floor, Plaza 2000, Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Completed prequalification document should be submitted in plain sealed envelope, clearly marked ‘‘Prequalification of 2022-2024 Suppliers” [with respective tender numbers) addressed to:-
Tender Committee
AfriCert Limited
P.0 Box 74696-00200
And via email to:
The same should be deposited in the tender box at our offices on or before Friday, 10th December 2021 at 10.00 a.m. All duly filled tender documents should be accompanied by a confirmation of payment of a non – refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000 to be deposited in the bank details provided in the tender document. Tenders received after the deadline will be rejected. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of tenderers who choose to attend virtually.