Tenders are invited for supply and delivery of goods and provision of services for the listed items for the year 2022
Ref Number | Particular/Details | Eligibility |
l/KBHS/2022 | Supply of dry maize and Beans (nyayo) | Open |
2/KBHS/2022 | Supply of white rice & sifted maize meal | Open |
3/KBHS/2022 | Supply of food stuff sugar, cooking fat 17kg, tealeaves & iodized salt | Open |
4/KBHS/2022 | Supply of fresh vegetables (kales, carrots, tomatoes and onions) | Open |
5/KBHS/2022 | Supply of cabbages | Reserved |
6/KBHS/2022 | Supply of beef (steak) | Open |
7/KBHS/2022 | Supply of fruits (bananas, oranges) | Reserved |
8/KBHS/2022 | Supply of baking flour, yeast and packaging bags | Reserved |
9/KBHS/2022 | Supply of cleaning equipment, detergent and disinfectants | Reserved |
I0/KBHS/2022 | Supply of printed exercise books | Open |
I l/KBHS/2022 | Supply of general stationery | Open |
12/KBHS/2022 | Supply of dry firewood blue gum | Reserved |
13/KBHS/2022 | Supply of sports goods(equipment and uniforms) | Open |
I4/KBHS/2022 | Supply of students and staff uniforms | Open |
I5/KBHS/2022 | Provision of security services | Open |
I6/KBHS/2022 | Provision, of repair work (desk, chairs and beds) | Open |
17/KBHS/2022 | Provision of energy saving jiko installation, repair &maintenance | Open |
18/KBHS/2022 | Provision of insurance cover for school assets | Open |
19/KBHS/2022 | Fumigation services | Reserved |
20/KBHS/2022 | Supply and servicing of firefighting equipment’s | Open |
2 l/KBHS/2022 | Supply of medicine | Open |
22/KBHS/2022 | Copy printer accessories and servicing | Open |
23/KBHS/2022 | Supply of laboratory chemicals and equipments | Open |
24/KBHS/2022 | Supply of computers and accessories | Open |
25/KBHS/2022 | Supply of eggs | Reserved |
Tender documents can be obtained from school account office upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000 per document. Price quoted must be inclusive of VAT and any other charges attracted by the commodity where applicable. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope clearly marked. Tender No.………should be addressed and sent to:
The Chairman Tender Committee,
Komothai Boys’ High School,
P.O. Box 159 – 00232, Ruiru.
Deadline for submission of tenders shall be on Wednesday 15th December at 10.00a.m. Tenders will be opened 15/12/2021 on the same day at 12 noon.
Applicants may witness the opening.
- Items marked reserved are for youth women and persons with disabilities