Expression of Interest (EOI) |
DAI Global LLC is seeking the prequalification of vendors that are interested in becoming a preferred supplier for the USAID/Africa Trade and Investment Activity (ATI) for the period of 2022-2026. The ATI operations center will be located in Nairobi. ATI is seeking to pre-qualify vendors in the following categories:-
Item No. | Service/Good |
01 | Medical insurance |
02 | General insurance |
03 | Internet service provider (ISP) |
04 | Office access control |
05 | Printer toners and cartridges (*must be licensed HP distributer) |
06 | Printer servicing (*must be approved HP service provider) |
07 | Print and copy services |
08 | IT equipment (*must be licensed HP distributer) |
09 | Office cleaning service (*service should include |
cleaning supplies) | |
10 | Marketing and branding materials |
11 | Office network cabling |
12 | Accommodation and banquet/conference services |
13 | Office furniture |
14 | Travel and ticketing service |
15 | Cleaning and kitchen supplies |
16 | Financial and labor audit service |
17 | Catering services |
18 | Office renovation and repair services |
19 | Translations and interpreter services |
20 | Office supplies |
21 | Transportation services (’should include driver and vehicle) |
22 | Provision of guarding and alarm response back up services |
23 | Office partitioning |
24 | Office vertical blinds |
25 | Air conditioners and installation service |
All applicants MUST submit all the following mandatory documents, in English, as an attachment to their expression of interest:
- Cover letter- clear statement on the services goods the vendor is interested in being shortlisted for, dated and * signed, and MUST include a statement confirming that the vendor is not a broker or agent.
- Vendor information- company name, address and phone number, form of incorporation (corporation, partnership, NGO, etc.), number in years in business, number of employees (full and part-time), name of managing director, history of organization, company registration and tax number.
- Technical capability statement- supported by any brochures, standard price lists, visuals or website information that show the vendor’s ability to provide services or goods in their chosen category.
- Client reference- three references with past performance descriptions illustrating relevant experience delivering the required goods/services. Each reference MUST include the client name, address, point of contact, telephone number, email and the period for performance and value of the contract.
Interested bidders should submit the EOI documents as email attachments to ATI_Procurement@dai.com by Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 1700 (5 PM Kenya time). In the email subject line, include EOI, item number # and service/good. For example, EOI 19 Translations and Interpreter Service.
If there is interest in more than one category, a separate email should be sent for each as applications will be sorted into categories.
This EOI is free of charge, the issuance of this EOI solicitation does NOT in any obligate DAI to award a subcontract.
Applicants will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their bids