Directline Assurance Company Limited intends to prequalify applicants for supply of various items categorized in the table below for the year 2022/2023.
1. | DAC/PRE/001/2022 | Accident vehicle repair garages |
2. | DAC/PRE/002/2022 | Motor claims assessment services |
3. | DAC/PRE/003/2022 | Claim adjustors/surveying services |
4. | DAC/PRE/004/2022 | Provision of towing services and accident recovery services |
5. | DAC/PRE/005/2022 | Provisions of car hire services. |
6. | DAC/PRE/006/2022 | Licensed investigators |
7. | DAC/PRE/007/2022 | Accident vehicles storage yards |
8. | DAC/PRE/008/2022 | Risk surveyors |
9. | DAC/PRE/009/2022 | Motor vehicle valuers |
10. | DAC/PRE/010/2022 | Property valuers |
11. | DAC/PRE/011/2022 | Provision of corporate photography and videography services |
!2. | DAC/PRE/012/2022 | Provision of production of branded merchandise |
13. | DAC/PRE/013/2022 | Provision of production of below the line (BTL1 collateral |
14. | DAC/PRE/014/2022 | Provision of branch and office branding |
15 | DAC/PRE/015/2022 | Provision of Market research services |
16 | DAC/PRE/016/2022 | Production of vehicle branding |
17 | DAC/PRE/017/2022 | Provision of PR & publicity services |
18 | DAC/PRE/018/2022 | Provision of experiential and events services |
19 | DAC/PRE/019/2022 | Provision of website design services |
20 | DAC/PRE/020/2022 | Provision of creative and design services |
21 | DAC/PRE/021/2022 | Provision of staff relocation services countrywide |
L 22 | DAC/PRE/022/2022 | Provision of construction and architectural services |
23 | DAC/PRE/022/2022 | Supply of Computer, laptops and IT equipment. |
- Interested firms will be required to submit these mandatory documents among the other requirements:
- i)Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration Certificate
- ii)Copy Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
iii) Copy of PIN certificate
- iv)Copy of VAT Registration Certificate
- v)Copy of receipt for Tender Documents
- Prequalification documents will be sent to the email address provided by the bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.4,000/= (Kenya Shillings Four Thousand Only] for each category at Directive Assurance Company Limited Hazina Towers, 5th Floor, from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm and on Saturday’s from 9.30am to 12.30pm
- Completed tender documents must be submitted in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked with the tender reference number bided for on or before 4th March, 2022 addressed to:-
The Procurement Committee,
Directline Assurance Company Limited,
Hazina Towers 17th Floor, Monrovia Road,
- PO. Box 40863 – 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA
- A copy of the receipt MUST be enclosed in the submitted prequalification documents.
- The two minimum requirements for prequalification are: (i] To provide all technical details in the Appendix on instructions and [ii] Pricing of goods and or services (Technical document],
- Applications will be opened on 9th March, 2022 and only pre-qualified applicants will be notified. Directline reserves the right to reject any tender without giving reason for doing so.