S/No | Tender No | Item Description | Eligible |
1 | UHS/01/2023 | Supply of dry maize and beans (Nyayo) | OPEN |
2 | UHS/02/2023 | Supply of white rice and polished green grams | OPEN |
3 | UHS/03/2Q23 | Supply of dry food stuff | OPEN |
4 | UHS/04/2023 | Supply of bakers flour ‘ | OPEN |
5 | UHS/05/2023 | Supply tomatoes and onions | OPEN |
6 | UHS/06/2023 | Supply of potatoes | OPEN |
7 | UHS/07/2023 | Supply of cabbages | OPEN |
8 | UHS/08/2023 | Supply of beef (Meat on bones) | OPEN |
9 | UHS/09/2023 | Supply of fresh milk | OPEN |
10 | UHS/10/2023 | Supply of fruits (Bananas and fruit in season) | OPEN |
11 | UHS/11/2023 | Supply of eggs | RESERVED |
12 | UHS/12/2023 | Supply of cleaning equipment detergents and disinfectants | OPEN . |
13 | UHS/13/2023 | Supply of printed customized exercise books | OPEN |
14 | UHS/14/2023 | Supply of laboratory chemicals and equipment | OPEN |
15 | UHS/15/2023 | Supply of firewood (Dry split and cut into 1 ft) | OPEN |
16 | UHS/16/2023 | Supply of sports goods (Equipment and Uniforms) | OPEN |
17 | UHS/17/2023 | Supply of students and staff uniform | OPEN |
18 | UHS/18/2023 | Supply of computer equipment and accessories | RESERVED |
19 | UHS/19/2023 | Supply and servicing of firefighting equipment | OPEN |
20 | UHS/20/2023 | Supply of general stationery | OPEN |
21 | UHS/21/2023 | Supply of hardware, electrical and plumbing materials | OPEN |
22 | UHS/22/2023 | Fumigation services | RESERVED |
23 | UHS/23/2023 | Servicing of kitchen machines and equipment | OPEN |
24 | UHS/24/2023 | Servicing and repair of the school generator | RESERVED |
25 | UHS/25/2023 | Repair of school motor vehicle | OPEN |
26 | UHS/26/2023 | Supply of Insurance Services | OPEN |
27 | UHS/27/2023 | Supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) | RESERVED |
Tender documents giving detailed specifications can be obtained from the accounts office during office hours upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 1,000 per set of tender document. Price quoted must be inclusive of VAT and other charges attracted by the commodity delivered to the school.
Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly indicating the Tender Number should reach the undersigned by 9.00a.m on Friday 19/05/2023. Opening on 19/05/2023 at 10.00a.m.
NB: The school reserves the right to accept!reject Tender wholly or partially.
The Secretary,Tender Committee,
Upper Hill School,
P.O. Box 30424-00100, Nairobi