1. The Central Bank of Kenya intends to prequalify additional Suppliers to participate in the tender for minting
and Supply of Currency Coins for the Bank.
2. It is expected that the Invitation to Tender will be made in February 2025. Tendering will be conducted
through International Competitive Tendering procedures using a standardized tender document and will be
open to all applicants who prequalify. However, Suppliers already prequalified under Tender No.
CBK/065/2024-2025 that closed on 13th December, 2024 do not need to participate in this tender since
they are already prequalified.
3.Qualified and interested applicants may obtain further information and inspect the Prequalification Document
during office hours from Monday to Friday from the Deputy Director, Head of Procurement, Central
Bank of Kenya, Haile Selassie Avenue P. O. Box 60000 – 00200, Nairobi Tel. No. +254 020 2860000, Email address: supplies@centralbank.go.ke.
4. A complete set of tender document containing detailed information may be downloaded from the PPIP
website: www.tenders.go.ke OR Central Bank of Kenya website: www.centralbank.go.ke at no cost.
Bidders who download the tender document are advised to forward their particulars immediately using the
Email: supplies@centralbank.go.ke. to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
5. Applications for prequalification should be submitted by postal service, or hand/courier delivery, clearly
marked envelopes and delivered to the address given below or be deposited in the Green Tender Box No. 3 at
the main entrance, ground floor of Central Bank of Kenya along Haile Selassie Avenue, so as to be received
on or before 6th February, 2025 at 1030hrs (EAT). Electronic Tenders will not be permitted.
6. Late applications a reliable to be rejected.
7. The addresses referred to above are:
a. Address for obtaining further information and for purchasing tender documents
Central Bank of Kenya
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