Tenders are invited for supply and delivery of goods and services listed below to the school for the year 2021

1 GBHS 01/2021 Printed Exercise Books and files Open
2 GBHS 02/2021 Text books Open
3 GBHS 03/2021 Photocopy and Printing Papers Open
4 GRHS 04/2021 Rice Reserved
5 GBHS 05/2021 Sugar. Cooking Fat. Salt Open
6 GBHS 06/2021 Fumigated dry maize and Dry beans Open
7 GBHS 07/2021 Fresh Cabbages Open
8 GBHS 08/2021 Fresh Milk Open
9 GBHS 09/2021 Groceries – Onions. Ripe bananas. Carrots, potatoes Reserved
10 GBHS10/2021 Beef and pork Open
11 GBHS I1/2021 Students Uniforms Open
12 GBHS I2/2021 Electrical Appliance Reserved
13 GBHS 13/2021 Veterinary Services Open
14 GBHS 14/2021 Insurance Services -staff and school Property Open
15 GBHS 15/2021 Insurance Services – Motor vehicles Open
16 GBHS 16/2021 Maintenance of motor vehicles and generators Open
17 GBHS 17/2021 Supply of office machines/Printing equipment(printers, photocopiers, tonners, masters etc         Open
18 GBHS18/2021 Security services Open
19 GBHS 19/2021 Dry firewood (Blue gum) Open
20 GBHS 20/2021 Laboratory chemicals and equipment Open
21 GBHS 21/2021 Hardware and plumbing materials Open
22 GBHS 22/2021 Building materials – sand, stones, ballast etc open     
23 GBHS 23/2021 Sports equipment, balls, nets etc Open
24 GBHS 24/2021 Student’s mattresses Open
25 GBHS 25/2021 Baking flour/maize flour Reserved
26 GBHS 26/2021 General office stationery Open
27 GBHS 27/2021 Animal feeds and Drugs Reserved
28 GBHS 28/2021 Fresh Eggs Reserved
29 GBHS 29/2021 Supply of computers, accessories and maintenance Open
30 GRHS 30/2021 Staff Uniforms Reserved

Tender documents containing specifications for each category may be obtained from the school accounts office upon production of a bank pay-in slip of a non-refundable fee of Ksh. 1000/= into the school bank account at Equity Bank, Nyeri Branch, account number 1150296724498. Duly filled tender documents in plain envelopes for each category, and clearly marked the tender number should be placed into the tender box at the school reception by 10.00 am of 15th December 2020. Tenders will be opened on the same day at 2.00 pm. Bidders are invited to attend or send representatives if they wish.

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