Tenders are invited for the supply of the following goods and services for the year 2021.
KHS/01/2021 | Kitchen Provisions (Cooking oil, sugar, salt, tissue, etc.) | OPEN
KHS/02/2021 | Supply of Dry foods & Cereals | RESERVED
KHS/03/2021 | Supply of Firewood | OPEN |
KHS/04/2021 | Supply of Vegetables, Eggs and fruits | OPEN |
KHS/05/2021 | Supply of Milk | OPEN |
KHS/06/2021 | Supply of Bread | OPEN |
KHS/07/2021 | Supply of Meat | RESERVED |
KHS/08/2021 | Supply of general Stationeries | RESERVED |
KHS/09/2021 | Supply of Printed exercise books and printed stationeries | RESERVED |
KHS/10/2021 | Supply of Charcoal /Briquettes | OPEN |
KHS/11/2021 | Supply of Lab chemicals and equipment | OPEN |
KHS/12/2021 | Supply of Cleaning materials, detergents, sanitizers, fumigators and abrasives | OPEN |
KHS/13/2021 | Supply of resource books & related materials | OPEN |
KHS/14/2021 | Provision of Insurance Services | OPEN |
KHS/15/2021 | Supply of Furniture, Beds & general repairs | OPEN |
KHS/16/2021 | Supply of staff and students uniforms | OPEN |
KHS/17/2021 | Bus repair and maintenance | OPEN |
KHS/18/2021 | Provision of Security services | OPEN |
KHS/19/2021 | Supply of Tonners and maintenance of Computers, Copiers & printers | OPEN |
Tender documents giving detailed specification can be obtained from the Accounts Office during working hours from Monday to Friday upon payment of nonrefundable fee of Kshs. 1000/- per tender item. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes for each tender item clearly marked with the relevant tender number should be addressed to:
The Secretary,
Board of Management,
Kangemi High School,
P.O. Box 29267 – 00625.
And deposited in the tender box situated at the school reception, not later than 23rd December 2020 at 10:30am.
followed by opening of tenders immediately thereafter in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend.
The school reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either in whole or in part without giving reasons thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.