Tenders are invited from interested eligible bidders for supply and delivery of goods and services of the following items in the year 2021

MHS/01/2021 Supply of manufactured foods – (rice, fat, sugar, salt etc.) Open
MHS/02/2021 Supply of dry Cereals – (maize and beans) Reserved
MHS/03/2021 Supply of special maize meals Reserved
MHS/04/2021 Supply of potatoes Open
MHS/05/2021 Supply of fresh cabbages Open
MHS/06/2021 Supply of fresh fruits, onions and other green groceries Reserved
MHS/07/2021 Supply of electrical fittings and repairs Open
MHS/O8/2021 Supply of fresh meat Reserved
MHS/09/2021 Supply of office and school stationery Open
MHS/10/2021 Supply of students’ uniforms and bedding Open
MHS/11/2021 Supply of printed stationery and exercise books Reserved
MHS/12/2021 Supply of white wheat flour Open
MHS/13/2021 Supply of clean water sand Open
MHS/14/2021 Supply of machine aggregate Open
MHS/15/2021 Supply of dry hardwood firewood Reserved
MHS/16/2021 Supply of hardcore, hard stones and murram Open
MHS/17/2021 Supply of farm inputs, animal feeds & agro vet goods Reserved
MHS/18/2021 Supply of students’ mattresses Open
MHS/19/2021 Supply of fresh milk Open
MHS/20/2021 Supply of office machines consumables – Toners & Print cartridges Reserved
MHS/21/2021 Provision of school assets cover and WIBA Open
MHS/22/2021 Provision of comprehensive insurance cover for School vehicles Open
MHS/23/2021 Prequalification for supply of lab apparatus and chemicals Open
MHS/24/2021 Prequalification for repair and normal service of school vehicles Open
MHS/25/2021 Prequalification for supply of human drugs (pharmaceuticals) Open
MHS/26/2021 Prequalification for supply of general hardware materials Open

Tender documents giving full details may be obtained from the school’s accounts office during normal working hours – Monday to Friday upon payment of non – refundable fee of kshs. 1,000/= per set. Completed documents in a sealed envelope and marked with relevant item number bearing no indication of the tenderer should be addressed to: –

The Secretary- Board of Management

P.0 Box 101 -10200,


OR: Be deposited in the tender box in school situated outside the reception office. So as to be received on or before 1000hrs, Thursday 17th December 2020. Submitted tenders will be opened soon thereafter the stated closing time in the school boardroom in the presence of applicants/representatives who choose to attend. Interested bidders should note that only those meeting the criteria indicated in the respective tenders as minimum, supported by relevant documents will be considered for further evaluation.

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