Michuki Technical Training Institute invites interested and eligible bidders for the proposed completion
of workshop block at Kieni Technical and Vocational College.
Interested contractors should provide a bid security of Kenya Shillings One Hundred and
Forty Thousand (KShs. 140,000.00) in form of a security guarantee from reputable bank or
insurance firm approved by PPRA valid for 150 days from the date of the tender opening.
They should attach a company profile which must contain copies of the following documents:
a) Company Incorporation/Registration Certificate
b) Valid CR12 issued within the last one (1) year.
c) Company KRA PIN certificate
d) Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
e) Valid National Construction Authority (NCA) Registration Certificate Buildings Category
(NCA 7 and above)
f) Current National Construction Authority (NCA) Annual License- Buildings for 2023/2024
g) Current business permit/license
h) Pre-site tendeX r certificate
i) Tender security for the prescribed amount valid for 30 days after expiry
of the tender validity period
j) Power of Attorney authorizing the legal representative to sign the tender.
k) Duly filled, signed, and stamped Form of Tender
l) Duly filled, signed, and stamped Confidential Business Questionnaire
m) Duly filled, signed, and stamped Self- Declaration Form SD1 (Public Procurement and Disposal
Act Non-Debarment Form
n) Duly filled, signed and stamped Self- Declaration Form SD2 (Anti-corruption pledge)
o) Pre-tender site visit certificate duly signed by the client’s representative.
p) Audited accounts for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023 signed by an ICPAK Licensed Auditor on
every page (attach copy of practicing license)
q) Bank statements for the last one year duly certified by the respective bank(s)
r) Two copies of tender document (original and copy)
s) Serialized tender document.
t) Any other requirements set out in the tender document.
A complete set of the tender documents can be viewed and downloaded for free from the institute website
www.michukitech.ac.ke or obtained from www.tenders.go.ke . Complete tender documents put in plain
sealed envelopes and marked KTVC/WORKSHOP-2A/23-24 should be deposited in the Tender Box at
Michuki Technical Training Institute on or before WEDNESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2023 at 10.00 am
and be addressed to:
The Chief Principal
Michuki Technical Training Institute
P.o Box 4-10202, Kangema
Tenders will be opened on 01/11/2023 at 10.00am in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives
who choose to attend at Michuki T.T.I.’s Boardroom. Bidders are required to attend a mandatory site visit
before submission of tenders.
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