The Ministry of Education, through Pangani Girls High School, invites sealed tenders for the Proposed Construction of a Tuition Block [Ground Floor] and associated Electrical and Mechanical Works for Pangani Girls High School – Nairobi County as follows:
Tender No. | 1. |
Works Program No. | DI06 NB/NB/2I0I -JOB NO. I0I59C |
Proposed Construction of a Tuition Block [Ground Floor] and associated Electrical and Mechanical Works for Pangani Girls High School – Nairobi County |
Contractors NCA Registration Status | NCA 4 or higher for General Building works category, NCA Category 6 and EPRA Class B-1 for electrical works, NCA Category 6 for Mechanical works |
Bid Bond | Khs. 1,000,000.00 |
Closing Date | 23rd December 2021 |
A complete set of tender documents may be downloaded from the National Treasury portal: http// free of charge. Tenderers who download the tender documents are advised to register their bids with the Procurement Office, Pangani Girls High School, Juja Road or via email at Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes, must be in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for (120) days from the closing date of the tender.
The Bid Security, which must be from reputable bank or from a PPRA accredited insurance company, shall be valid for one hundred fifty (150) days from tender opening date.
A complete set of Bidding Document(s) in English (hardcopy) may be purchased by eligible Bidders upon payment of a non- refundable fee of Kenya Shillings 1,000 (One- Thousand Kenya Shillings) to Cooperative Bank Account No.01129123540100 or pay cash at Pangani Girls High School Accounts office situated at Juja Road, Nairobi. The Hard Copy Documents should thereafter be picked from Procurement Office, 1st Floor office between 0900 to 1700 hours.
Completed Serialized Bidding Documents, one original and one copy in plain sealed envelope clearly marked on top with the Tender Number and Tender Name/Description, should be addressed to the
Pangani Girls High School
P.O. Box 30152-00100, Nairobi.
Completed Bidding Documents must be deposited in the Tender Box provided at Pangani Girls High School 1st floor Reception, to be received on or before 23rd December 2021 at 10.00 am (East African Time).
Bulky tenders that cannot fit into the tender box shall be delivered to the Procurement Office situated on 1st Floor, Pangani Girls School, Juja Road, Nairobi who shall acknowledge the receipt of the tender documents.
Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter on 23rd December 2021 at 10.00 am (East African Time) in the presence of the bidders or duly authorized representatives of Bidders who will choose to attend at Pangani Girls High School Boardroom 2nd floor.
Bidders are invited for a mandatory pretender site visit at Pangani Girls High School, Juja Road, Nairobi, on a Tuesday , 14th December 2021 at 10.00 am
The Government reserves the right to reject any tender giving reasons for the rejection and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
All other conditions remain the same.